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Many health experts swear that to be truly healthy, you’ve got to “move the lymph” using some sort of lymphatic drainage routine – often with expensive tools or techniques. The hope is that you’ll somehow clear infections, lose the bloat, and clean out toxins.
While yes, lymphatic drainage is important, it’s not a miraculous solution.
The type of lymphatic drainage routine you choose and when you do it is pretty important (especially if you’re dealing with chronic illness, active rashes, or coming down with something).
So many illnesses are impacted by the lymphatic system which is why doing something to support moving the lymph is important. That’s why addressing the lymphatic system and adding lymphatic drainage massage to your routine can be so helpful – AND deeply calming for your nervous system.
But a lot of what you learn online and from influencers about a good lymphatic drainage routine is inaccurate, so I invited today’s guest on the show to share a better approach! We’re going to talk about the whole lymph system, lymphatic drainage, and easy-to-do lymphatic massages to do at home!
Leah Levitan, MT, MLDC, CLT is the founder of Lymph Love Club. She is a licensed massage therapist and certified lymphedema therapist. She helps women on their healing journey achieve more balanced health beyond what they thought was possible using the most powerful and influential system in their body, the lymphatic system.
Have you ever tried a lymphatic drainage routine before? If so, how has it helped you? Share your tricks and methods in the comments below or on my Youtube video.
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In This Episode:
- How the lymphatic system impacts ALL organs in your body
- Detoxing vs. moving lymph – What’s the difference?
- Best gadgets + tools for your lymphatic drainage routine
- How to do a lymphatic drainage routine that’s effective
- Debunking lymphatic drainage myths from influencers
- When lymphatic drainage massage is helpful (and when to absolutely AVOID IT)
- Can you do lymphatic drainage too much?
“The lymphatic system doesn't detox, but our detox organs do.” [5:33]
“A big part of what makes the lymphatic system so magical is the fact that it's like basically our immune system. This lymphatic fluid carries the white blood cells of our immune system and it just helps us; it prevents illness and disease.” [15:50]
Find Leah online & get her FREE dry brush guide | Instagram | TikTok | Youtube
Healthy Skin Show 205: Gua Sha + Body Brushing For Skin Health w/ Gianna De La Torre, L.Ac
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320: Best Lymphatic Drainage Routine For Face + Body (WITHOUT Expensive Tools) w/ Leah Levitan {FULL TRANSCRIPT}
Jennifer Fugo (00:16.446)
Hi, Leah. Thank you so much for joining us today on the Healthy Skin Show.
Leah Levitan (00:34.637)
Hi, thank you so much for having me. Happy to be here.
Jennifer Fugo (00:37.774)
So you and I met like almost a year ago at a live event down in Austin, Texas. And I remember you standing on stage in this lymph suit, which to be fair was the most brilliant way to teach about the lymphatic system and the body to see that in action on you.
And I learned so much from you in that kind of like, it almost felt like a mini masterclass on creating a lymphatic drainage routine that you gave to everyone at this conference that we were both at. And so I thought you'd be the perfect person to come on the show and talk about like the whole lymph system and lymphatic drainage. A lot of people are very much into this now. And so I figured since we should just kind of ground the conversation in what exactly is the lymphatic system? And then also too, are there any organs that are involved with the lymph that most people might not realize?
Leah Levitan (01:44.564)
Yeah, I love that question too, because nobody ever asks about the organs. They're just like, what is the lymphatic system? And I'm like, everything, it's everything, but okay. So most people are familiar with their cardiovascular system. We've got our heart, we've got arteries and veins that pump oxygenated blood to and from the heart, right? Delivering oxygen and nutrients.
Well, of the 100% of the volume that goes and leaves, only like 90% of it comes back. So what happens to that 10%? There's a pressure system between our vascular systems. This is like our fluid layer. So we've got the cardiovascular, but then we've also got the lymphatic system to sort of pick up the slack. Lymph is like the clear fluid that flows through these little tunnels, it's not blood, but it's the liquid component of blood. By the time all of this lymph is filtered by our lymph nodes, you might have heard of the little pea-sized organs that are kind of clustered around our body. Those are usually hidden in our joints, our armpits, our hips, we've got a ton in our belly, in our stomach, and then we have a lot in our head and neck. About a third of the lymph nodes in our body are in our head and neck.
So this lymph is like, flowing, there's no heart for our lymphatic system, which is why it can get bogged down so easily. It really relies on skeletal muscle activation and movement to move the lymph, because it moves, I think it has about 10 to 12 beats per minute on its own. So this is one of the many reasons why there's so many illnesses that are sort of centered around the lymphatic system's function kind of slow, you know, people use words like, oh, my lymph is clogged or it's not draining properly. And, you know, we just, we see this fluid accumulation in our body and the lymphatic system is responsible for helping our kidneys maintain our fluid levels. So, you know, when you try to put on a ring and it doesn't quite fit right, or you notice that your ankles and feet are kind of puffy after a long day, had too much salt, or you had the margarita, you had the whatever. This is definitely a message from the body that, you know, there's something going on with the fluid levels. A lot of this can be addressed through our minerals, which is why I'm super obsessed with minerals, but because it just helps the lymphatic system do its job. But you also asked about the organs that might be involved.
We have a glymphatic system, a lymphatic system in our brain that helps to clear plaque accumulation. So there's some really exciting research out there that is kind of showing like, hey, is this good for Parkinson's? Is this good for MS? I have some Parkinson's clients and it's really been helpful for them just to kind of, you know, mitigate symptoms and things like that and just help them live a best quality of life that they can have. There's also some lymphoid tissue.
Leah Levitan (05:02.71)
They’re not lymph nodes, but kind of this tissue that kind of lines the inside of the intestines. It really, it's definitely an integral part of our digestive system. Our lymphatic fluid is kind of always circulating around certain organs in the body. So think, you know, we've got lymph nodes for each organ in regards to the spleen and the kidneys and the liver. These are all kind of working together. The lymphatic system doesn't detox, but our detox organs do. So that's liver, skin, kidneys, colon, and lungs.
Jennifer Fugo (05:40.682)
And that's a good point to make, that it does not detox because I see that claim being made frequently online, like, oh, I'm detoxing because I'm moving my lymph, and I'm like, I don't think that's how that works.
Leah Levitan (05:56.92)
I don't love that word. I don't use it a lot.
Jennifer Fugo (06:01.002)
You're not a detox fan. I am not either. I think a lot of the way that things are talked about online are, and we're gonna get into that. We are gonna get into the misinformation for sure, but I find a lot of things that are shared online are oftentimes oversimplified or confused with other things and don't do what people claim they do. And I also wanted to add, and this is sort of an aside as you were talking, there is a lymphatic system in the eyeball itself.
My dad was an ophthalmologist and an eye surgeon. And so certain conditions like glaucoma are associated with the lymphatic system in the eyes. Anyway, sorry, that's like me nerding off like some family stuff of just knowing that from my dad being a doctor, but it's really fascinating that we have this body of fluid and we are a body of fluid in a sense, that it moves in a different way, in a sense separately from blood and arteries and veins and whatnot.
So I think the audience is mostly familiar with dry brushing and Gua Sha. We've talked about Gua Sha once on the podcast. Are those really the only two options for people to move the lymph? And is that the right term? I know I'm saying move the lymph, but then I'm hearing lymphatic drainage. I guess they're two different questions, but are they the same thing? And then what are some of these options to even move this fluid?
Leah Levitan (07:27.768)
That's a great question. I think dry brushing is very stimulating for our lymphatic system. So we have a superficial layer and then we have a deep layer. So we've got lymph that's like at our meaty core and then we've got lymph that lives just below the surface of the skin.
And so for dry brushing, it's really great to stimulate and kind of get everything moving and it increases blood flow. So I think dry brushing is one of those like tried and true things that's been around for a really long time. Maybe there's not like a stack of research because it just works so well that why would we research something that we know works? I don't know. I mean, we do, but, and then, Gua Sha has been around even longer, I feel like. And Gua Sha is really beautiful.
It's one of those where you can use the tool for your fascia and you can use it for moving lymph. It can be both and it's interchangeable and that's one of those things that I don't teach a ton of because what I do is manual lymphatic drainage massage and so that is the movement of lymph with our own two hands. We don't actually need any tools to move our lymph. It's actually easier and probably more effective if you are working with your skin, not on it but with it, with your hands.
But I totally realize that not everybody is gonna have full range of motion, you know? Movement feels like, you know, it's such an honor to be able to move. So if somebody needs to use an external tool, a lot of my clients that have chronic conditions like Lyme or mold or heavy metal stuff, maybe they've got like an autoimmune. Man, vibration plates are gonna be so excellent because it's just when you have low energy and you feel like you just can't do anything it's okay to even just put your feet on a vibration plate. Our lymph loves vibration, water loves vibration, water molecules. There's a lot of, there's like an emotional component to water. I think that our lymphatic system is very much, there's like, our soul.
Jennifer Fugo (09:35.362)
Rebounding. Yeah.
Leah Levitan (09:36.932)
Yeah, rebounding. Rebounding would be like the other side of that coin. I think vibration plates are really great for people that just like have a hard time moving, or maybe they've got some old injuries or a connective tissue disorder like EDS or a lipidema. But for most people if they just want like a fun way to kind of move their lymph, rebounding is really great. So the lymphatic fluid that flows through the lymphatic system, it only moves in one direction, unilaterally. There's little flaps that prevent backflow and so if you're just jumping up and down over and over it's gonna push that lymph back to towards the heart and so it's a really powerful tool for moving lymph both superficially and deep and those are great tools for anybody's toolbox.
Jennifer Fugo (10:28.43)
But it sounds like if you literally just want to start someplace, you could start with just your own hands if that's an option for you. That's good to know. So I like the fact that you've shared that it is a one-way street basically to move the lymph. But there's all of this, I'm going to say kind of controversy of like how you even do this.
And what I have mostly seen is you start with the extremities and you wanna move in toward the heart or up from the legs, but your philosophy differs from that. So can you share a little bit about that of like why maybe starting to move the lymph from the outermost point of the body might not be the best way to do this?
Leah Levitan (11:19.464)
Not my philosophy, just FYI. So manual lymphatic drainage massage was kind of created in like the 1930s and it spread across Europe, eventually came to the US and I went to the Academy of Lymphatic Studies and then Norton School of Lymphatic Therapy. So it's other smarter people than me as philosophy, and it's got a lot of research to back it. So we always start with the collarbone area. This is called the terminus.
Leah Levitan (11:48.972)
This is the venous return. So it's like the lymphatic fluid from everywhere in the body goes back into the cardiovascular system here. And it's plasma at that point. And so this is where the body is like, it's like the lowest amount of pressure.
Our hands and our feet, our extremities, those are gonna be the farthest away. It's like Pluto, if you're thinking about like, you know, any sort of like planetary alignment here. It's way out there. And this is when people start trying to like push a river. You know, this is, lymph is mostly water. It flows as it does in nature. And so pushing from really far away at really high pressure is, you know, you can't do that. So we always work, we start at the collarbone and we always kind of work the center of our body, and then we'll eventually get to the hand. Like drainage for the arm, for example, I would do my neck no matter what, whether I'm draining my pinky finger or my whole body. And then you would activate these lymph nodes in the armpit because these lymph nodes are going to drain everything, everything here, this whole upper quadrant. So you stimulate these and you're like, hey, I'm going to send some lymph your way, get ready.
So then you get them ready and you work everything above the elbow. There's a couple lymph nodes in our elbow, but this is a hinge joint. This is a natural bottleneck. And so lymph gets stuck there. A lot of people will experience swelling in their hands and things like that, and it's like, we always kind of look upriver, right?
Leah Levitan (13:28.988)
We go upstream and we're like, is there a dam here? Yes, there's a dam here. Yes, there can be a dam here if we never lift our arms above our head and lymph is so reliant on muscle activation. So you can kind of put two and two together that you sort of break things up a little bit and guide that fluid, guide it home versus like trying to force something to happen.
Does that make sense?
Jennifer Fugo (13:59.23)
It sounds like you're, it does, it does. It sounds like you're saying like, basically we clear the drains in each sector to get the fluid to come home, right? So if we're just thinking about it from like, if you have a huge deluge of rain in your area and the drains are all covered with leaves, it's gonna be difficult, even if you have something to push the fluid, it's hard to get the water down the drains to the next spot it needs to go. And so essentially you're working, it's interesting. It's like that's very backwards from what I see everybody do online who's sharing about how to do this. And again, that was one reason I was just like, your lymph suit was like brilliant, because I was like, oh my gosh, I can see in action how this works from a more anatomical perspective and why it makes more sense.
Leah Levitan (14:30.176)
Jennifer Fugo (14:56.442)
I do want to say, with all of this said, this is not magical stuff. I feel like online we hear about a lymphatic drainage routine being magical. It's going to cure this or it's going to heal that or if you block the lymph, you're going to end up, oh, we talked about and we both saw that the videos and claims about getting breast cancer if you wear a bra because the underwire is blocking the lymphatic drainage and whatnot.
It's not magical, but it can be helpful for certain issues and conditions. So can you help ground us in where you have actually seen a lymphatic drainage routine be a really great support for certain conditions or issues that you see in your practice and whatnot?
Leah Levitan (15:48.616)
Yeah, so a big part of what makes the lymphatic system so magical is the fact that it's like basically our immune system. This lymphatic fluid carries the white blood cells of our immune system and it just helps us, it prevents illness and disease. But you know, yes, a lot of people will claim that it's like a silver bullet. And I work with people with chronic illness here in Austin. And so it's like, we're always mitigating and managing symptoms. We're diminishing the frequency of flare-ups. We're trying to get less of a response because we're really calming the nervous system. Lymphatic drainage routine and just addressing the lymphatic system is so deeply calming for the nervous system.
So we're just getting all of those benefits of regulation, which we're so dysregulated right? I think we all deal with chronic stress and things like that.
Jennifer Fugo (16:58.826)
So what are some of the chronic issues or conditions? You had mentioned like MS and maybe Parkinson's before. Are there other types of conditions that you see where it can be really helpful? Any type of, again, you're not diagnosing anyone, people are coming to you with these diagnoses. So what type of conditions do tend to respond well from your experience?
Leah Levitan (17:29.088)
Yeah, oh man, it really started with like, just like simple, like abdominal bloating, you know? Women would come in and they're dealing with some GI stuff. I think I'd mentioned that there's a ton of lymph in our abdomen and pelvic bowl. So endometriosis, fibroids, vulvodynia, just inflammation in the pelvis, inflammation in the abdomen, and a lot of times those things go hand in hand. If you think about the lymphatic system in the brain, people coming in for, they've had concussions, and maybe they've got like migraines. I had mentioned Parkinson's and MS, so like any sort of like neurological stuff.
I've had people come in with cavitations, some like oral stuff, where their oral health was really hurting from, I guess getting, you know, just crowns and what are they called, where they kind of put them in, the implants, like the implants. Or no, I guess not the implants. I'm thinking the root canals, you know, teeth or organs. And there's so many, there's so much lymph in our head and neck. So people really coming in for issues like that. Even hormone imbalance, that cyclical breast tenderness that people deal with, PMS, maybe some lymph nodes that they're just like, hey, I need you to check this out. And I'm always quick to remind them like, hey, I'm not a doctor. I'm a massage therapist.
Leah Levitan (18:57.354)
And it's very unfortunate that doctors only get about an hour of training in this stuff. But we also see a lot of lymphedema and lipedema. And these are conditions that really impact the lymphatic system directly. And it can be really difficult to feel heard, to get a diagnosis. I think it's like one in eight or one in nine women have lipedema. And, I don't know, the lymphedema thing, that can also kind of go unchecked because people get checked out and they're like, oh yeah, everything looks fine. I don't know why your leg is swelling and not the other one. But yeah, so many, so many things.
Jennifer Fugo (19:38.11)
Okay, so if you do have swelling in one limb but not the other, this could potentially be a helpful tool.
Leah Levitan (19:50.392)
Absolutely. Yeah. If you're feeling like you've got some fluid stuck in your body, it can be helpful to move it, but it's also important to sort of think like your own physician, right? Why is this happening? Why is there fluid here? Lymphedema, which is like, you know, more serious than fluid retention. This is when the lymphatic system is not working in certain areas of the body. This can happen anywhere after lymph node removal with cancer, radiation tends to zap lymphatic collectors and that can kind of trigger lymphedema for some people.
Leah Levitan (20:20.606)
And it can also come after injury, so like a surgical intervention. I've heard of like the rare occasion where somebody had a c-section and that turned into a complication that gave them lymphedema in their leg. But it's important to think about why things are happening to us and try to hear those subtle messages because the lymphatic stuff, just even when it's like slowed and things like that, we find that there's all these uncomfortable symptoms that we live with that we just think are normal. Like, oh, it's just normal. I'm just tired all the time. I'm tired all the time. And I never feel like I'm vibrant or like alive. When we feel stuck and stagnant, we usually are stuck and stagnant in our lymphatic system.
Jennifer Fugo (21:14.35)
Well, and to your point about moving it, because I do want to talk about some things where we tend to go wrong, and I think pressure can be one of those areas. I used to think that you're supposed to push. Like if you do dry brushing, you're supposed to kind of push down and move things, but when you were speaking at the event that I saw you talk at in Austin, you have a very different approach.
And your suggestion, I wonder, is it possible for there to be too much pressure? Is it possible that you could do a lymphatic drainage routine and it be detrimental in some way or damaging in some way to underlying tissue? So do we have to be careful with the pressure that we apply? Now, obviously, a vibration plate and rebounding is gonna be a different story, because you're not pushing. But when you are pushing on tissue of any sort and doing something manually with your hands or another object, is there too much pressure? Is that such a thing?
Leah Levitan (22:11.912)
Yeah, when it comes to creating a lymphatic drainage routine, yeah, cause you were like rebounding, vibration, different thing. Whenever we have the intention and that we're trying to move lymphatic fluid, it's always best to work intuitively with conditions like lipidema and lymphedema. Some of those people have to use more pressure because the tissue is more fibrotic. If you have scar tissue, you might want to use a little bit more pressure. And also the location, it depends on where we're touching. If you were working on your face, there’s not a whole lot of reason to really go hard. in there, right? Unless maybe you were trying to reach the lymph nodes underneath your jaw. But for dry brushing, I see so many people just kind of like buffing their skin, like their cars or something, and that's not really, it's not really necessary. If that feels good and stimulating for you, and it doesn't piss your skin off, like have at it. But more isn't always better.
Our lymphatic vessels, they're lined with smooth muscle that's governed by the nervous system, hey vagus. And those muscles can spasm if we use too much pressure or we go too hard too fast and when they spasm it really suspends the lymphatic fluid right where it's at. So I sometimes will see people dry brushing and trying to move their lymphatic fluid in a sauna and anytime that we're in an extreme temperature difference the same thing will happen.
Leah Levitan (23:42.006)
Our lymphatic system, it'll spasm and just temporarily slow down because it's trying to offset the extreme temperature that it's in. So like whether it's like a cryo chamber or sauna, those aren't really the places that we're going to be trying to move lymph. I think we just try to like habit stack a lot and you're better served to do some nice deep abdominal breathing which changes the pressure in your thoracic cavity and that is your that is your lymphatic system's heart.
So if you want to move some deep lymph and do some habit stacking, set that brush aside and just take some breaths.
Jennifer Fugo (24:20.374)
I like it. Well, also too, and kind of talking about pressure and whatnot, my audience obviously is a lot of individuals who may have active skin rashes, could even potentially have wounds because things are open or not closing appropriately. What does somebody who has skin issues going on, what do they need to know about dry brushing or even using their hands or some sort of tool doing a lymphatic drainage routine?
Leah Levitan (24:50.132)
Yeah, you definitely want to be intuitive with this because skin rashes are, like, how many different kinds of skin rashes are there? There's so many. But there's also a particular type, cellulitis. Nobody wants to be messing with that. That's like the map-shaped border one where it really spreads really rapidly and then you have a really serious problem. So there are certain times where we don't really want to be trying to move our lymphatic fluid and that would be during an acute infection. We don't, the lymphatic system is everywhere and it’s so powerful that you start moving your lymph and then you're moving things around and making it circulate throughout the body.
So not to say that we shouldn't do a lymphatic drainage routine if we have something, like if you had a little rash on your arm, could you work on the rest of your body? Of course if you know that you're not dealing with something serious. This is something that's very normal for you. It's your day-to-day. This is your skin. This is your patch. You know your body best.
And when it comes to wounds, wounds you definitely want to avoid, lymphatic drainage massage isn't going to be the right tool for that, but wounds really love compression because it helps the lymphatic system do its job. And so that might be helpful.
Jennifer Fugo (26:13.358)
100%, well it's also helpful just to know what are some do's and don'ts. And like you said, you talked about an infection and that's of just the skin. If you are sick, is that the time? Like in general, say you get a flu or a virus or something like that, is that a good time to do your lymphatic drainage routine or is that more rest?
Leah Levitan (26:32.34)
You definitely want to make sure you're on the other side of whatever you're dealing with when it comes to that. No active fevers. I remember when I got COVID for the first time early this year. And like all my lymph nodes were just like, a brick. It was a very bizarre feeling and that was a very strange illness because I had such intense brain fog. I was just like, I feel so stupid and not good. So I really had to resist the urge to move my lymphatic fluid because I knew exactly what I could do to help my lymphatic system out and I had to wait until that fever broke because the reason it felt like a cement brick here is because the lymphatic system shut off the exits to the lymph nodes, allowed them to fill with lymphatic fluid so that those immune cells could really do their job.
When it comes to a fever and an illness and you've got these swollen lymph nodes wherever they might be, it's okay to just let them do their thing. We really want to, I feel like we want to get our hands on everything, in everything sometimes, when it comes to helping ourselves out. And it's totally relatable, because like I said, I had to resist until my fever came down.
Jennifer Fugo (27:51.05)
Well, I think a couple of final questions, because I know we have to wrap up, and this has been so fascinating. I feel like we could completely dive into this even further. But is it OK to do this every day? Or do you recommend somebody, especially if they're just doing this on their own, is there a certain number of times a week that you suggest people do this?
Leah Levitan (28:42.828)
This is a great question. This comes back to the idea that “more is better.” We just wanna do it all. So lymphatic drainage self massage can really look like doing a little something every day. We don't have to like do a lymphatic drainage routine or do dry brushing or gua sha every single day. I think when we use a variety of tools and little tips and tricks and it's all based on what we think we need that day, that's how we're going to best serve our lymphatic health. It's kind of treating it like nutrition, where you want all of the components of something healthy and nutrient-dense. If you're eating just one or two different types of food, you might not be flourishing or thriving. So I definitely recommend switching these things out. I would say dry brushing and gua sha you could do anywhere from one to three times a week. I will do my lymphatic drainage routine, I usually will break it up and I'll do my face one day and then I'll do my legs later that week because maybe they felt heavy.
Maybe I'll do legs up the wall one night because they felt heavy, my legs felt heavy. I'll do dry brushing while I've got my legs up and gravity is helping move that lymph back towards my heart. And rebounding, I do rebounding every day. I call myself a casual bouncer. Every time I pass by it, I just bounce out a couple of rounds. I don't really use it as a piece of exercise equipment. It is for my intention to move my lymphatic fluid and not much else. And it's fun!
Jennifer Fugo (30:20.782)
Well, it's fun. I was gonna say, I feel like it's one of those things that brings out the kid in you. Most people smile. Just there's something about it that there's like a joy. I don't know. That's just how I feel when I've done it. I was like, I have to giggle. I have to laugh. It makes me feel good. And I think that too is helpful in terms of your mood.
Jennifer Fugo (30:44.398)
I don't know, I just think it's nice to have those child-like qualities come out, especially when you're feeling kinda down, it brings you up and you feel good. And so lastly, I know that have this great guide. You've got this free dry brush guide over at But do you have any suggestions for anybody if they do wanna buy any particular gadgets or anything? A couple of suggestions of gadgets that like, you know, maybe different price points, that are not gonna break the bank, or something like that. Where should people start gadget-wise?
Leah Levitan (31:18.677)
Okay. First lymphatic drainage gadget to start with mastering would be your hands. You don't have to buy anything. If you do feel like you need a little bit of assistance, I think a dry brush, you can buy a dry brush that's like so cheap. I don't really recommend wet brushing. Sometimes people will store it in their shower and they get kind of gross, but I've had the same dry brush forever because it's dry and I just keep it somewhere clean. And then I just like shake them out like a dusty rug. I don't even really like wash them. Some people wash them with like apple cider vinegar solution, but not, I don't feel like it needs it for me personally.
Gua sha, those are great. I really recommend paying attention to where those stones come from. They're not always ethically sourced. I use one by Wildling. It's a Bian stone. I think that stone was formed when a meteor hit a mountain in China. And they do a really good job of sourcing their stuff ethically. So I feel really good about buying Wildling stuff. The rebounding and vibration, those are great lymphatic drainage routine tools. I don't think that you have to buy a $600 trampoline, like sorry, not sorry to those really fancy units out there. I just don't think it's necessary. I have one that was $120 on Amazon. It's great. My mom's had the same one for years.
Always stick within your budget. I think also like sauna blankets and the the lymph vibration things, and I think lymphatic drainage cups are great. Like the little face cups are really good. That's a great anti-aging routine. But yeah, I think more often than not, like there's less tools that we need than we don't need.
Jennifer Fugo (33:17.288)
I like that. Don't buy the things you do not need. I will say this, I think you have created an amazing platform to teach people about this that's not fear-based, that's not based on magical thinking and wishful thinking and whatnot. I like the fact that you have so much grounded knowledge on creating a proper lymphatic drainage routine. Your Instagram account is amazing. And for anybody who's really interested, we'll link to your guide in the show notes. I think that's a great place to start. Just having a guide to know how to do something like dry brushing and to understand and to see this whole thing is gonna be really, really integral to anybody who wants to get into this. So I hope that you will come back sometime, Leah. I really appreciate you being here because I think we have more to talk about.
Leah Levitan (34:09.876)
Yeah, we'll talk again for sure. We just barely scratched the surface.
Jennifer Fugo (34:13.834)
That is true. Well, thank you so much for being here. I appreciate it.
Leah Levitan (34:17.812)
Yeah, thanks for having me.
Jennifer Fugo, MS, CNS
Jennifer Fugo, MS, CNS is an integrative Clinical Nutritionist and the founder of Skinterrupt. She works with adults who are ready to stop chronic gut and skin rash issues by discovering their unique root cause combo and take custom actions with Jennifer's support to get clear skin (and their life) back.