372: What Is Topical Steroid Withdrawal (And How To Advocate To Get TSW Recognized) w/ Briana Banos

If you’re not sure what is Topical Steroid Withdrawal… Imagine living through a condition so painful and misunderstood that it disrupts every aspect of your life, yet the medical community largely…

366: What Are Topical Steroids (aka. Glucocorticoids) + How They Actually Work In Your Body w/ Dr. Luis Franco

What are topical steroids? Often prescribed for chronic skin conditions, I’ll bet you’ve probably used them at some point during your treatment. Sure, they work quickly, but are they without side…

344: NEW RESEARCH On Topical Steroid Withdrawal Symptoms + TSW Red Skin Trigger w/ Dr. Ian Myles

I’ve discussed topical steroid withdrawal symptoms and TSW skin concerns extensively on the Healthy Skin Show, but there is still so much about this condition that isn’t well understood. Partly…

328: Client Case Study: Severe Eczema On Feet + Body

If you’ve ever wanted a sneak peak behind some of the eczema cases that I work on, I’m sharing a fascinating healing journey of a client with severe eczema on feet + her body! This client was excited…

321: Before You Invest in Food Sensitivity Testing (What You Need To Know)

Before you buy food sensitivity testing, you need to hear this because so many people are harmed by these tests. For one thing, food sensitivity testing is touted as a miracle, cure-all answer for…

318: Oral Microbiome: A Trigger of MASSIVE Inflammation w/ Dr. Victoria Sampson

Did you know that the inflammation that drives your eczema, psoriasis, rosacea, etc., could be triggered by your oral microbiome? That's right… Inflammation that shows up on your skin is often…

316: Elimination Diets, Disordered Eating + Food Fear w/ MaryCatherine McDonald, PhD

Elimination diets can be therapeutic tools to support your health. But they also have the power to trigger disordered eating patterns + food fear. Except for a few instances, elimination diets aren't…

314: Is A High Protein Diet SAFE? (Or Bad For Skin Problems?) w/ Dr. Gabrielle Lyon

By now, I think everyone knows how I feel about protein intake. It's one of the reasons I was super excited to have back on a past guest to talk about protein myths and her NEW book, which I found…

313: Testing for Candida Overgrowth (Is the Candida Spit Test LEGIT?)

Testing for candida when you have what you think is a candida rash can feel really discouraging. Especially when you have all the classic signs of candida overgrowth, and yet, your test comes back…

311: What Causes Candida Overgrowth (and How to Stop It)

One of the questions I hear a lot is “what causes candida overgrowth?” Because Candida is one of the underlying root causes that can cause your gut and your skin microbiomes to become imbalanced or…