367: Is Your Rash From Mold (And Should You Get Mold Testing)? w/ Jennifer Brand, MS, MPH, CNS

Wondering if you have a skin rash from mold? This episode is for you! If you or your child has a skin rash and you can’t figure out the cause, you may start to look at mold illness or mold toxicity…

362: Best Test Options for Gut Parasites (As A Trigger For Skin Rash Flares) w/ Jennifer Brand, MS, MPH, CNS

Gut parasites can be so frustratingly tricky to get a clear answer whether you have them or not. The topic of and how they impact chronic skin issues is a fascinating once, especially since it’s…

358: Surprising Skin Signs Of A Hidden Parasites-Gut Problem w/ Jennifer Brand, MS, MPH, CNS

Did you know that skin problems can be signs of hidden parasites-gut imbalances? And that if you have a skin rash like chronic hives, psoriasis, or eczema, the chances that you have gut parasites are…

354: How To Reignite Hope That You Can Heal On Your Skin Healing Journey

If you’ve ever been told to “just stop googling” when you’ve met with a doctor to get help for a skin flare-up, this episode is for you. I’ll bet you’ve had unfortunate experiences in the…

353: Crazy Meat Allergy Triggered By Ticks (Here’s The Deal On Alpha-Gal Syndrome) w/ Dr. David Fitzhugh

Ever heard of a tick meat allergy (also known more formally as alpha-gal syndrome)? This is caused by the bite of a very specific type of tick which then triggers an allergy to mammalian meat (that…

339: How Sensitive Are You?: Best Test For Food Allergy (IgE) Sensitivity w/ Dr. David Fitzhugh

If you’ve ever wondered the best way to test for food allergy sensitivity, this episode is for you! What do I mean by food allergy sensitivity? Many people think that you’re either allergic (and thus…

337: New Research On Gut Trigger For Chronic Urticaria Hives (And What I See In Clients)

If you’ve found it frustrating that no one can tell you why you have chronic urticaria hives (including chronic spontaneous urticaria, dermatographia, and even angioedema), I feel you. Especially…

331: Eczema Symptoms-Skin Color Connection: Why Skin Tone May Make Certain Symptoms WORSE w/ Dr. Shawn Kwatra

Did you know that the severity of eczema symptoms + skin color have a unique relationship? That certain eczema symptoms can be WORSE for skin of color versus white or lighter skin tones? While…

327: Demystifying Food Allergy Signs, Symptoms + Skin Rash w/ Dr. Ruchi Gupta

Spotting food allergy signs quickly can be tricky, especially since they don’t manifest in everyone in the same way. But it’s so important to be able to identify the symptoms of food allergies,…

321: Before You Invest in Food Sensitivity Testing (What You Need To Know)

Before you buy food sensitivity testing, you need to hear this because so many people are harmed by these tests. For one thing, food sensitivity testing is touted as a miracle, cure-all answer for…