288: Adrenal Fatigue, Steroids + Skin Rashes: What's The Connection? w/ Dr. Izabella Wentz, PharmD

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Many people in my audience are interested in adrenal health because steroid exposure is a common issue for many (especially those who end up with HPA axis dysfunction because of the steroids). So, I brought in a very popular expert… on thyroid health. Wait, what's the connection between your thyroid and adrenals? Most people who have thyroid issues end up having some form of adrenal dysfunction. So today, she's giving tips on what to do if you actually have adrenal dysfunction and how you can take back your health.

My guest today is the compassionate, innovative, and solution-focused integrative pharmacist, Dr. Izabella Wentz. Dedicated to finding the root causes of chronic health conditions, her passion stems from her own diagnosis with Hashimoto’s thyroiditis in 2009, following a decade of debilitating symptoms. As an accomplished author, Dr. Wentz has written several best-selling books, including the New York Times bestseller Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis: Lifestyle Interventions for Finding and Treating the Root Cause, the protocol-based #1 New York Times bestseller Hashimoto’s Protocol: A 90-Day Plan for Reversing Thyroid Symptoms and Getting Your Life Back, and the Wall Street Journal bestseller Hashimoto’s Food Pharmacology: Nutrition Protocols and Healing Recipes to Take Charge of Your Thyroid Health. Her latest book, Adrenal Transformation Protocol, is set to be released on April 18th, 2023. The book focuses on resetting the body’s stress response through targeted safety signals and features a 4-week program that has already helped over 3,500 individuals. The program has an impressive success rate, with over 80% of participants improving their brain fog, fatigue, anxiety, irritability, sleep issues, and libido.

Do you have symptoms of adrenal fatigue? If so, what are you doing about it? Let me know in the comments below!

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In this episode:

  • What is adrenal fatigue (and is it even real)?
  • The feedback loop between your thyroid + adrenals (hello, cortisol!)
  • Why chronic or unprocessed stress (including unresolved trauma) is a very crucial part of the puzzle
  • Dr. Wentz's helpful tips to get better sleep to regulate the circadian rhythm
  • Pituitary suppression from the use of hydrocortisone (as seen in TSW) from a pharmacist perspective
  • Why cholesterol is IMPORTANT!


“As the stress progresses and whenever we have low levels of cortisol that are too low, this can also be a signal to the body to make more reverse T3 and to slow down the thyroid gland because thyroid hormone breaks down cortisol.” [06:31]

“I joke about positive affirmations are amazing, but they're like putting a Band-Aid over a leaky fishbowl if you're not working on trauma.” [26:47]


Find and Follow Dr. Wentz on her website | Instagram | Facebook | TikTok

Order your copy of Dr. Wentz's newest book — Adrenal Transformation Protocol: A 4-Week Plan to Release Stress Symptoms and Go from Surviving to Thriving (coming April 18th!)

Learn how to heal Your adrenals and get your energy back with The ABCs of Adrenals free download

Healthy Skin Show ep. 023: How Low Thyroid Plays A Role In Skin Rashes w/ Dr. Izabella Wentz

Thyroid Skin Rashes: The Hidden Connection No One Talks About

Healthy Skin Show ep. 153: Steroids + Cortisol: How To Pinpoint Adrenal Problems w/ Dr. Carrie Jones


288: Adrenal Fatigue, Steroids + Skin Rashes: What's The Connection? w/ Dr. Izabella Wentz, PharmD FULL TRANSCRIPT

Jennifer Fugo: Welcome back to the podcast, Dr. Wenz. I'm so excited to have you here.

Dr. Izabella Wentz: Hi Jennifer. I'm so glad to be here with you. Thank you for having me back.

Jennifer: So, um, I wanted to talk to you today about something called adrenal fatigue. And this is a topic that many of my listeners, I would imagine are pretty well versed in, and they've probably read about it online, maybe heard about it from somebody in like the integrative space. But the reality is that your adrenals don't really get fatigued. It's not, adrenal fatigue is not really a thing per se. So what is more accurately going on with your adrenals, cuz something does happen, but I thought you would be able to sort of dispel this for us and give us some truth here about what actually is causing issues with your adrenals.

Dr. Wentz: Sure. So the term adrenal fatigue is a really convenient way to describe what's going on, but it's not necessarily the most accurate way to describe what's going on when the body's been under stress for quite some time and makes certain adaptations. The, I guess the correct way to describe this is HPA axis dysfunction or hypothalamic pituitary adrenal access dysfunction, where for whatever reason, our adrenals are still perfectly capable of producing the right amounts of hormones at the right times, but they're just not doing it. And it usually has to do with a communication breakdown between the adrenal glands and the brain. And it's funny because like conventionally trained doctors will say like, oh, adrenal fatigue doesn't exist. But then if you look at PubMed and you search for HPA axis dysfunction, holy cow, it does exist. It's kind of like leaky gut versus intestinal permeability. One of them doesn't exist, the other one has research studies behind it. At the end of the day, it's like the same symptoms and the same solutions. Right?

Jennifer: Yeah, absolutely. And I, I think too, it's interesting how your background, because most people, if they're familiar with you and so many people are familiar with your work in the thyroid realm are probably like, wait, adrenals, thyroid because you have personal experience dealing with it. Is that what really drove you to just dig into this area because of your personal experience with, um, imbalances in your adrenals?

Dr. Wentz: Sure. I initially was diagnosed with Hashimotos in, um, 2009 after just decades of trying to figure out what was going on with me in some very odd symptoms. And I was able to thankfully recover my health and take back my health. And part of that was focusing on the health of my adrenals. And I have gotten myself into adrenal dysfunction a few different times throughout my life since recovering them the first time. And I've actually come across a new way and a more efficient, more effective, more long-lasting way that works a bit quicker and is safer and focuses on lifestyle interventions more so than on using things like steroids or hormones to try to mimic what the body's supposed to be doing. So I guess, um, in a nutshell, most people who have thyroid issues like I struggled with and like I've been diagnosed with, they end up having some form of adrenal dysfunction, but many people also have adrenal dysfunction and they may not have thyroid issues. So I wanted to get the word out about what to do if you actually have adrenal dysfunction and how you can take back your health.

Jennifer: Mm. And can I ask quickly, since you brought that up, this interesting interplay between thyroid and adrenal issues, is that something where if you have thyroid issues, like you're gonna end up with adrenal issues or vice versa? Or can you just have one versus the other?

Dr. Wentz: Yeah, it's, it's kind of a feedback loop and it, is it like the chicken or the egg? What came first? Now I will say that in the majority of my clients and the people that I've talked to or surveyed, I will say that majority of them will say before they got sick, before they started having thyroid issues, they had a significant amount of stress in their lives, something stressful happened. Um, whether that was, you know, going through graduate school or having a baby, which can be positive things, right? Or even something like going through a divorce or a death in the family, something very challenging, unfortunate, um, something devastating that they may have gone through. And so I actually think that my personal opinion is that the stress comes before the autoimmunity and people end up being stuck in this chronic stress state, which eventually leads their bodies to, to break themselves down and then they can end up having other kinds of autoimmune conditions like Hashimotos or chronic fatigue syndrome, um, so on and so forth. And so there is, there is an intimate connection and there is a feedback loop between the thyroid and the adrenals. Should we talk about that?

Jennifer: Sure. I would love, you know what, I love this stuff and I love the fact that your book, and we'll talk about more that more in a moment, but your book is so super nerdy, but nerdy in a way that makes it accessible to people who are curious about their health and really wanna take action on their health. You broke down topics and this was one of them. That connection between the interplay between, for example, like cortisol and thyroid hormone that I found so fascinating and hasn't been pointed out as often as I think it should be. And so yeah, what would be that interplay between something like the stress hormone cortisol that most of us think about when we think about adrenal fatigue or HPA axis dysfunction and how your thyroid hormones operate?

Dr. Wentz: Sure. So when we have too much cortisol on board and we're having a lot of stress that's perceived by our bodies, um, the body will actually produce more of something known as reverse t3, which is the inactive thyroid molecule, the inactive thyroid molecule that will bind at thyroid receptors, but instead of activating them, it kind of prevents the active thyroid hormone from doing its job. So effectively it becomes a thyroid hormone blocker. And so this is partially to allow cortisol to be produced without interference as we, what happens when we have thyroid hormone, when we have too much of it on board, that breaks down the cortisol. And so, as the stress progresses and whenever we have low levels of cortisol that are too low, this can also be a signal to the body to make more reverse T3 and to slow down the thyroid gland because thyroid hormone breaks down cortisol.

And so, um, another, another, another thing that I commonly see is people will feel better when they get started on thyroid meds. Their fatigue improves, a lot of symptoms improve and then all of a sudden something, something happens within a few weeks and they're like, wow, I'm kind of like more tired than I was before. And a lot of, a lot of that is due too, having that extra thyroid hormone on board and that's gonna help to clear out and break down the cortisol out of the body. So, so it's like a really intricate feedback loop between the two hormones. And so I'll say majority of the people that I've worked with with Hashimoto's, part of the work that we're doing with them is we're focusing on supporting the health of their adrenals. Because 90% of the time, um, maybe even more, I would say they're gonna have some, some degree of adrenal dysfunction, whether that's like an early degree with too much cortisol or the super advanced stages where we have really low levels of cortisol released throughout the day.

Jennifer: And so if you saw on labs an elevation in that reverse t3, does that make you suspect that something's going on with the adrenals?

Dr. Wentz: Yes. Uh, reverse T3 is usually either, um, adrenal stress or it could be low ferritin. So not having enough, um, iron on board. Those are kind of the two main things. And then if, if somebody's like in a chronic illness or an acute illness state, so somebody just had like a really nasty virus or they were hospitalized, something like that where the body is like, okay, we need to slow down the metabolism, keep ourselves safe, like that obvious, that would be something very obvious. But to most people that are like walking around in, in, you know, in the universe in the world, it's gonna be either stress or that low ferritin.

Jennifer: Yeah. Well, so I was reading through your book, it's called The Adrenal Transformation Protocol, and as I said, I absolutely loved it. I thought it was fascinating and especially for all of my health nerds out there listening, you are going to love this book. And in the book you discussed this thing, this concept called impaired HPA Axis. And you've talked about that a little bit in this state of like chronic and unprocessed stress that could be underlying it. So can we dig into that a little bit more? Like how would you define chronic or unprocessed stress and why is it a real, a very crucial part of the puzzle?

Dr. Wentz: Sure. And I know many of us, we hear the word stress and we think like, okay, deadlines or an annoying boss or fighting with your spouse. And yes, it's all of these things, but it's also things that may have happened to us in the past that are, that we perceived as traumatic and that are still within our bodies and are triggering us. Or it could be things like reactive foods, not eating enough food, not getting enough, um, nutrients in our bodies. So the body perceives having low ferritin not having enough iron on board as stressful. Right? And so, um, other things are gonna be chronic infection. So I know you and I have a, have a passion for h pylori. It's like, you know, we're very passionate about how h pylori can trigger a lot of different things. And yeah, it can trigger stress in the bodies through causing inflammation in the body. So anything that is physically there, nutritional deficiencies or infections or even emotional stress and sleep deprivation, these are all ways that our body can pick up the signal that we're under stress.

Jennifer: And it almost sounds at times a little bit, especially with that sleep piece, like a vicious cycle because I've noticed that clients who are really struggling from an adrenal standpoint oftentimes have very messed up circadian rhythm issues where like, they cannot fall asleep, they finally fall asleep at like 4:00 AM and then they have to wake up and so they don't feel well and they still… you know, it's like really, really messed up. Um, and do you find that, do you find that in cases like that where the circadian rhythm is really off kilter? Um, I mean my personal feeling is like, supplements are great, but there is a lot of lifestyle pieces to this as well. It's not just take a pill, any type of pill, right? Whether it's medication or a supplement, a lot of times we wanna just take a pill to make it easy. But in that instance where it's really, you have a really exacerbated problem going on like that, do you find that the lifestyle pieces also have to be dialed in and paid attention to just as keenly as you would say? Like, I've gotta take my this at breakfast and then I've gotta take it again at two o'clock.

Dr. Wentz: You know, absolutely. For some people, and, and there's different reasons why people have trouble sleeping at night. And when I, when I first started working, um, in a few years ago when I was working with clients, I would be like, oh, you can't sleep because you drink too much caffeine. And I was like, just stop drinking caffeine. There you go. Right? And they were like, okay, I quit caffeine, now I'm exhausted, but I still can't sleep. Um, you know, a lot of times there might be underlying reasons why a person is, is tired and exhausted, so we may have to think about that, but before we do, there's some fundamental lifestyle things like for example, when you first wake up in the morning, giving yourself access to outdoor light, um, to let your body know that it's time to be awake, time to not produce melatonin, time to make some cortisol, which we're supposed to make in the early hours of the day.

Um, this can be a game changer for helping people to have more energy in the morning and to be able to wind down and fall asleep at night. The bedtime things that I oftentimes recommend doing an Epson salt bath at bedtime. So increasing your body temperature just a little bit is gonna prepare your body to be more relaxed, turning off, not looking at your phone or using blue light blockers right before bed, maybe even earlier. Um, you know, once the sun sets stop, kind of stop doing those things if you feel like they're impacting, especially if you feel like they're impacting your sleep. And then sleeping in a cool room that's completely dark can be such a big game changer. I know, um, we moved into a new house and there was, I always put like little stickers over any bright lights in the bedroom.

And I had been waking up in the middle of the night a few nights and I was like, what's going on with me? Why am I waking up? And then sure enough, one night I looked over and there was this like bright blue light shining on from, um, from, from one of the stickers that fell off and I was like, okay, that was enough for my body when it was in that light sleep stage to think that it was morning time and it was time for me to wake up. Um, and they're very fundamental things like that and foundational things that if we just do those things, about half of the half of sleep disorders I think would be solved. But they're also more challenging things like blood sugar issues. So I do talk about blood sugar balance throughout my book as well as, um, sometimes we may need to utilize various types of supplements. Um, if somebody's magnesium deficient, for example, sleep issues can be a symptom. So depends on the person, but generally, like let's focus on lifestyle first.

Jennifer: Yeah, absolutely. And my audience is also not a stranger to the issues that hydrocortisone has on the body because it is one of the most common prescribed medications for chronic skin issues. And I, as I was reading your book, you actually caution that hydrocortisone can lead to quote pituitary suppression. And I was like, oh my gosh, you are acknowledging the thing that all of these people who listen to this show who are dealing with this extreme version of what, when this happens. So folks who are listening to this, essentially the extreme version would be topical steroid withdrawal syndrome, which is drug induced because, and we, again, we don't have this exact criteria right now of how much and the potency and time length exposure to the medication can cause this in people, but could you, um, explain to us, especially since you have a background as a pharmacist, what has been your experience with this concept of pituitary suppression from the use of hydrocortisone?

Dr. Wentz: Sure. And and just to generally speak from a steroid perspective in general, and I'm just, um, just amazing because the things that we learn in pharmacy school as best practices, it's like I would go out into the real world as a pharmacist and I would say, why is this person on a steroid cream for like years? Because it's not best practice to put somebody on a steroid cream for years or steroids in general. You want to taper them down because they can build into the body. We have a feedback loop system. So if you're getting cortisol from a pill or a topical cream, then your brain is going to say, I don't need to make more cortisol. Right? And so there, this feedback loop happens and unfortunately when people have been overdosed or prolongingly dosed and also I find if they're dosed with something at night at bedtime with even creams or with steroids and also like an adrenal glandular support, this can occur from that too.

I feel like a lot of people on the natural medicine don't acknowledge that, but that it's a thing too. But you can suppress that feedback loop and then your body has a hard time making its own, um, cortisol cuz we do need some, right? So we need to have like a good healthy cortisol, um, kick in the morning where that wakes us up and we're ready to take on the world bright on bright-eyed and bushy-tailed and I unfortunately have seen people with thyroid issues get into like a pituitary suppression, um, high dose thyroid medications when you're overdosed on thyroid medications can produce this as well.

Jennifer: Oh, that's an interesting point. So if someone is thinking that something like this is going on, it's another piece. If you're on thyroid medication to consider speaking with your doctor, I would assume get labs run to see what's going on in terms of all of your different thyroid levels. Um, another piece to this in a sort of, uh, aside and me just kind of finding it again, fascinating and love the fact that you shared this in your book, there is a really great diagram where you show what cholesterol makes. And so could you just briefly describe to us, because everybody thinks cholesterol's bad, we're, we're like so against cholesterol and yet it does some really important things. So, um, can you talk a little bit about that?

Dr. Wentz: Sure. And I know it's, it's so funny because we hear cortisol is bad, but we need it to survive and cholesterol is quote unquote bad. But yes, we actually do need it to survive and it's the backbone for creating our hormones. It helps us create our stress hormones like cortisol. And when we don't have enough of it, we can get into issues with adrenal dysfunction. And then some of the reasons why people might have excess cortisol is that they're not converting it correctly to the precursor hormones like Pregnenolone that gets turned into cortisol and progesterone and DHEA our anti-aging hormone. So it, it's, it's one of these things that I feel like in conventional medicine, we just give a black or white label to that needs to be really appreciated. Like, we don't want to eat a no cholesterol diet and we wanna make sure that we are, um, that we are supporting our body with enough, fat, fat-based, animal-based foods to help support a healthy stress response.

Jennifer: Yeah. Cholesterol is so important. I get worried when I see lipid panels when it's too low and they're like, no, my doctor said it was really good. And I'm like, no, <laugh>, no. Um, actually, and two I'll mention this. I don't think I ever shared this on the show before, but my dad, who was a surgeon, um, he had told me and he was like a conventional doctor. He's like, I don't like to see the total cholesterol below 150. I think it really messes up people's thyroids. I was like, wow, dad, that's <laugh>. He just, it was his part of his training back in the seventies and he was just like, I think we are pushing people's cholesterol too low. I was like, all right, that's good to know. It's interesting to hear sometimes, these different nuggets of wisdom that have come out of older physicians.

I had Dr. Robert Lustig on the show as well, and he was sharing about his frustrations with how they switched up, the reference ranges for ALT and now everybody's walking around with fatty liver disease and all of these things that change with time and how we're like, no, there was an optimal range. So it's cool to know that cholesterol serves an important role, not just for, obviously now you're sharing thyroid, but also adrenals and sex hormones and whatnot. Um, but I think a big piece to this is all about feeling safe, right? That is a deep connection I feel with the adrenals that oftentimes gets ignored or overlooked. And you mentioned in the book about safety signals. So can you talk a little bit about what, what are safety signals and how do we interconnect this concept of safety with our healing journey?

Dr. Wentz: Hmm. So absolutely. So what found is in my own healing journey and just with working with clients is that many people kind of get stuck in this chronic stress state and they're sort of in a mode of like breaking their body down. So they're in a bit of a catabolic mode where they need to like, rather than fixing their bodies and rest and digest, they're always kind of on edge and edgy and they might feel anxious, they have trouble sleeping and they're fatigued and they're wired, but tired and overwhelmed, so on and so forth, right? And so, um, one of, one of the kind of key transformations that I do when I work with people is to think about like, what is causing you stress in your life? Like, what's making you feel worse, right? And so we go through when we create a list of like, what are the things that are making me feel worse?

And oftentimes it's like sleep deprivation, having deadlines, having stress, and so on and so forth. And so we create this list of things and obviously we can't eliminate all of them, right? Like, you can't, like I want world peace too, right? Like, I mean, I would love to have world peace and it's stressful when there is not peace in the world, right? It's just part of how things are. But um, on the other hand, it's creating safety signals. So what are the things we can do that make us feel better? For a lot of people it's walking in nature, it's having time to connect with loved ones. It's, um, being able to get plenty of sleep. It's eating nourishing foods, it's taking a nice warm, relaxing bath. And so we create enough of these safety signals to kind of balance out the messaging that the body gets so that you're not overloaded with like danger signals.

We're in a famine, we're in a war. The world's about to end. Like our modern, our modern society, unfortunately, like we get, we watch the news, we just hear all these bad things happening, right? Um, and there's just so much of this in our world that could send this signal to the body that we're under threat right now. And I feel like it's important to be a concerned citizen at the world, but not at our own expense where if we're just panicked and we're overwhelmed, it's not like we're out helping anybody with our overwhelm and panic. Like we need to focus on making ourselves calm and steady and stable. And then, you know, we can create change in the world if that's what we choose to do. But we just wanna make sure that we get ourselves into a really safe space where we feel nourished, when we feel supported, when we feel, um, good, right? And so just sending enough of these safety signals can really do that within three weeks, four weeks for most people. Hmm.

Jennifer: Uh, can I also ask too, if you potentially have a history of trauma, is it also helpful for someone because safety can be hard for someone with trauma. Um, do you also recommend in your book to try different modalities of possibly like therapy, maybe EMDR, talk therapy, anything like that to also help with? I wanna say I feel like it's like junk programming. And I'm not saying anyone's traumatic experiences junk or anything like that, but I also realize that sometimes because of trauma and trauma responses, we can have these old computers, like, it's almost like, it's like you would never use a computer from 1998 right now. It probably wouldn't work, but yet for some reason we have, you know, I was, I I actually have been doing some of this work myself, and I realized I have programming that has been ruling my life. That's from 1988. It's time to let that go and work through it, despite sometimes how painful it is. So is that something that you also feel can be helpful for someone if they have trauma that they may need to work through?

Dr. Wentz: Oh my gosh, I think it could be life-changing. If somebody has unprocessed trauma, they're not gonna be able to feel safe. Even like in the safest environments, they might be triggered by things or people that are being kind to them. They might be suspicious of people and, and that just leaves their body in that fight or flight mode, right? And so doing something to um, get rid of that trauma and process that trauma is gonna be helpful for building our resilience. I talk about a few strategies for building resilience. I have a whole chapter on it, and yes, trauma work is one of the big ones. I personally am a big proponent of EMDR, eye movement desensitization and reprocessing. It's an interesting therapy that was developed by a psychologist by the name of Francine Shapiro. And she found that by going on a hike in a forest when thinking about some tough times she had had, but letting her eyes move from left to right helped her overcome and mentally get through some of these troubling things that she had gone through.

And so she's like, you know, it, it's not forest walking these days. Like these are trained professionals that go through this process and they learn how to work with the brain and taking stored memories that maybe we are not even aware of, like right in the moment. And they walk you through this process where you go backwards in time and you reprocess these traumas and you're able to visualize them with, with, you know, like, um, a 40 year old's eyes versus a four year old's eyes. And you see that something that happened to you when your mom yelled at you, that didn't mean that you were bad, it just means your mom maybe was overwhelmed at the time, right? Um, and you're able to just really become more resilient and more presence and happier and more empathetic towards yourself and towards others. So yes, I could talk about various strategies like that all day. And sometimes, you know, I joke about positive affirmations are amazing, but they're like putting a bandaid over a leaky fishbowl if you're not working on trauma. Right?

Jennifer: Exactly. Well, I wanted to make sure before we finished up, I, I first of all wanna say congratulations on your new book, the Adrenal Transformation Protocol. And for those of you listening, if you're like, why do you like this so much? First of all, I really enjoyed the book, that's number one. And I read quite a few books and I interview a lot of authors, and I don't always and really love the book sometimes there's fascinating parts. I actually really enjoyed this book, but also this protocol has had over 3,500 people go through it. So that is a real proof of concept that speaks to the value. I mean, Isabella, you have created some amazing protocols and done amazing work in the thyroid space to help transform, to help transform the daily life experience of so many people dealing with low thyroid function and Hashimotos are going through. And so this just feels like a natural next best step because obviously you shared there's great connections between what happens with the thyroid and with the adrenals. So can you just share what are some of the results that the people who've gone through this protocol, what are some of the things that they've experienced?

Dr. Wentz: It's, it's incredible because I initially developed this protocol as a sleep deprived new mom when I couldn't take steroids and I couldn't take hormones and I couldn't sleep for 12 hours a night and I wasn't going to give up coffee. So I was like, how do I, like my body's feeling a lot of stress, how do I kind of neutralize that and how do I get myself into thriving so I could be there for, you know, for myself and for my family and for the world. And this, this process, you know, I researched and it came to me and I just tried different things and within few weeks I was feeling better and working with people through my community we initially did a pilot of about a hundred people, and the results are just phenomenal. So 93% of people have been able to get rid of their, um, improve their brain fog within just like three to four weeks.

And then we see more than 80% improvements in, in fatigue, in anxiety, irritability, sleep issues, pain in the body, as well as libido issues. And, um, the program's been released seven different times now, and every time we've gone through and improved things just to make sure people were improving and, and getting better. And that's, that's the information in the book is, it's not like the 1.0 version of it, it's like the 7.0 version of it, of, of a lot of the transformations that we've had. And, and it's almost, um, it's almost like I could predict what happens by week three. Usually in week one, everybody's overwhelmed and they're stressed, they don't know how they're gonna find time to do it. And then by week three they're like, oh my gosh, I was fatigued and I'm running up and down my stairs now. I have so much energy and my brain's working and you know, my husband's and I are having like a really great time together and our, my libido's back. So it is something that works really well and rather quickly, which has been, um, in contrast to like using some of the hormones and things that, that can work, but they're not for everybody and take longer to work.

Jennifer: Yeah. Oh, that is so, so amazing. And so the book is available everywhere, correct?

Dr. Wentz: Yes, it's available on Amazon and Barnes and Noble, wherever fine books are sold. Um, so it's the Adrenal transformation protocol, it, and it's a four week plan to release the stress symptoms, um, and go from surviving to thriving.

Jennifer: Awesome. And also for those of you listening, uh, Isabella has a really great, uh, little guide that you can download from her website. So if you go to thyroidpharmacist.com/abc, you can download the ABCs of Adrenal support guide. That way you'll get some initial information from that and you can go from there. And I can promise you, whether you follow Isabella on Instagram, you buy any of her books, they are all extremely well researched. Um, I've just, honestly, I've always been a big fan of your work and you do the work to actually provide people with these really great roadmaps and protocols. And I, I very much appreciate that, that you go to such lengths. Um, it just shows your level of caring and your desire to help support other people. And I really appreciate that about you and all of the information that you share.

Dr. Wentz: Thank you so much, Jennifer. That really means a lot to me and I'm a huge fan of your work as well and so appreciate, um, the love that you put out there into the universe and the help that you're providing to everybody with skin issues.

Jennifer: Well, thank you. I love having you on the show and I hope that I can have you come back sometime and, um, yeah, everybody please go check Izabella out, follow her, go check out the book, and if you also have hypothyroid or Hashimoto's issues, you have two other books, correct, on thyroid or is it three?

Dr. Wentz: Yeah, I have three books. The first one is Hashimoto's, the Root Cause, and it's, it's more of a research based book. And then people said, can you give us specific protocols? So then I came up with Hashimoto's Protocol with very specific protocols on what to do over 90 days. And then, um, I also have Hashimoto's Food Pharmacology, which is a guide about nutrition with recipes.

Jennifer: So she's got you covered. Thank you so much for joining us, Izabella. I really appreciate it.

Dr. Wentz: Thank you so much, Jennifer. It's been a pleasure.

"As the stress progresses and whenever we have low levels of cortisol that are too low, this can also be a signal to the body to make more reverse T3 and to slow down the thyroid gland because thyroid hormone breaks down cortisol."