
133: Ozonated Oil: Is It Good For Skin Rashes?

Have you ever heard of ozonated oil? Or maybe you’ve read about the benefits of ozonated olive oil for certain skin conditions?

At first, I was skeptical so I decided to do my own research to find out if there was something special about adding ozone to plant oils.

Turns out that some really cool research exists already on its antimicrobial capacity!

I’m not sure that we fully understand the pro’s and con’s of ozonated oils for skin rashes at this point, but the research does seem to be promising.

In today’s episode, I want to share some of the incredible things I’ve stumbled across so that you can decide if it’s something you want to give a try (after speaking with your doctor first).


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In this episode:

  • What are ozonated oils + the benefits research has found so far
  • Specific reasons why ozonated oils can be helpful
  • Research on microbes impacted by ozonated oils
  • Can ozonated olive oil help dandruff/seborrheic dermatitis?
  • What you need to know before buying ozonated oil products


Ozone is definitely antimicrobial having the capacity to kill all sorts of microbes including bacteria, parasites, fungal organisms, viruses, and protozoa. When added to oils, there’s no concern about developing resistance.

One study showed that “almost 100% of S. aureus were eliminated by ozonated oil following 5 min. Almost 100% MRSA were eliminated by ozonated oil following 15 min.”

ozonated oil dropper

Ozonated Oil: Is It Good For Skin Rashes? (FULL TRANSCRIPT)

Welcome back to episode #133 of the Healthy Skin Show!

In today’s episode, I want to share what I’ve come to learn about Ozonated Oils and how they might be helpful topical options!

I was tipped off about ozonated olive oil by a number of clients and readers who found it to be very helpful on their rashes.

Most people who found it helpful have dandruff (aka. Seborrheic dermatitis).

When I hear something was helpful from a number of unrelated sources, my curiosity gets peaked and I start digging.

To be honest, I was skeptical at first and thought it sounded like something gimmicky. But what I ultimately found while digging through the research is pretty cool!

I figured that I’d share this with you since that’s what it’s all about, right?

So if you struggle with dysbiosis within your skin’s microbiome, this could be a really helpful option to test out.

Blue sky with sun, clouds and ozone

What Are Ozonated Oils?

If you’re not familiar with the concept of ozonation, perhaps you recognize the word ozone which is something you recognize as having to do with our atmosphere.

Ozone is a gas made up of 3 oxygen atoms bound together. 

So in our atmosphere, it helps protect living beings from harmful UV radiation produced by the sun.

Though if it were present here on Earth in large quantities, it would be considered very toxic to humans and other living creatures.(1) And in fact, ozone should NEVER be inhaled nor placed in your nose or mouth, nor used on the eyes.(2)

That said, doctors and researchers began finding uses for ozone back in the 1950s though there is some information that it was used during World War 1 to treat gangrene.(3,4)

Since then, they’ve found it to be helpful because it can:(2,4)

  1. Sterilize and disinfect areas from various pathogens and microbes (ie. treating wounds that have become infected)
  2. Immune system activation and wound healing
  3. Improve your body’s oxygenation level
  4. Combat viral infections, SARS and AIDS
  5. Help treat disorders of circulation, macular degeneration, geriatric disorders, rheumatism and even cancer
  6. Applied to the skin through ozonated oils

Ozone is most definitely antimicrobial having the capacity to kill all sorts of microbes including bacteria, parasites, fungal organisms, viruses, and protozoa.(2) There is no concern about the resistance that could be created as there can be with antibiotics (for example).(5)

It’s also anti-inflammatory, can reduce pain, and can help speed up healing. (2)

And these are some of the reasons why ozonated oils can positively impact the skin (and it’s microbiome).

Thus, ozone is infused into specific oils to instill some of these properties so that they can be used topically.

Because “olive oil has also proven to have antimicrobial activity in infections of burnt skin, against Gram-positive bacteria, such as Staphylococcus aureus, Gram-negative bacteria, and various species of fungi, including Candida spp… [and] it has been demonstrated that it is possible to further enhance the properties of oils by adding ozone.”(5)

Olive Oil

Ozonated Oil For Skin Rash Problems

Though olive oil and sunflower seed oil are the most common oils found on the market to be ozonated, they aren’t the only ones out there.(5)

The December 2019 review I found noted that oils such as “thyme, sesame, soybean, coconut, hemp seed, grape seed, jojoba, sweet almond, peanut, macadamia, rice bran, avocado, flax seed, pumpkin seed, and safflower seed” have all been ozonated and have patents on their respective processes.(5)

Research has been underway for some time to look at how the addition of ozone to plant oils could provide benefits to your skin.

Here’s a great list of skin issues that can benefit from ozonated oils:(5)

  • infectious skin diseases
  • abscesses
  • athlete’s foot
  • “allergic diseases, such as atopic dermatitis, eczema, urticarial and prurigo”
  • erythema
  • “scaly diseases, such as psoriasis and palmoplantar pustulosis”
  • wound healing
  • ulcer recovery

There’s a lot of promise with ozonated olive oil (and even ozonated oils in general)!

One very small study on two individuals with Staph aureus and MRSA treated with ozonated oil found that “…almost 100% of S. aureus were eliminated by ozonated oil following 5 min. Almost 100% MRSA were eliminated by ozonated oil following 15 min.”(6)

And limited research seems to point towards ozonated oils (like sunflower seed oil) being able to eliminate both Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria in Petri dishes (not on human beings).(7) And ozonated sunflower seed oil appears to have anti-fungal properties too!(5)

Another study found that ozonated olive oil appears to have been able to eliminate the fungal issues in all 50 participants who had “oral candidiasis, angular cheilitis, aphthous ulcers, and herpes labialis”.(8)

I surmise that the reason I’ve heard so many positive comments about ozonated oils from people with dandruff is because of the connection between it and fungal organisms. But I was unable to find any specific research connecting the two.

Olive Oil

How To Know If You’re Purchasing Good Quality Ozonated Olive Oil

The most common two ozonated oils that I could find on the market are sunflower seed oil and olive oil.

Most of the information that I came across discussed finding quality ozonated olive oil. I imagine the following points would hold true for ozonated sunflower seed oil.

And it shouldn’t shock you to learn that some companies sell ozonated olive oil that is not of the greatest quality.

That’s why it’s important to know what to look for!

Most of us know that olive oil can range in color — from a beautiful golden color to that of pale green.

Ozonated olive oil actually loses its color entirely becoming a completely clear liquid.(3)

There is an increase in viscosity making it thicker than its original form.(5)

It has a distinct “grassy” odor which can be off-putting to some.(3) In some instances, they can have a rancid fat-type of odor.(5) If the aroma is altered because of additional ingredients, make sure the company clearly notes what was added to the product.

Additionally, ozonated olive oil should be stored in dark glass bottles to prevent degradation from light exposure.(3) According to one paper, it “can be stored for around a year at room temperature or up to three or four years in a refrigerator.”(5)

You should be aware that

The point here is that you’ve got to do your homework on the brand that you purchase to ensure that what you buy is of good quality.

ozonated oils

Are Ozonated Oils Safe For Everyone?

If you’re curious to give this a try, remember that you should always discuss using ozonated oils with your doctor first.

That way you can make sure it’s not going to conflict with what’s uniquely going on with your health (especially if you’re on medications that could trigger a reaction).

Remember, ozone should never be inhaled (from what I read) and there seems to be some conflicting information about whether it is safe for internal use and areas of skin that is thinner and more delicate.

The truth is that ozonated oils and therapies aren’t for everyone.

They are specifically “contraindicated in several diseases such as Blood Coagulation Failure, Bleeding Organs, Thrombocytopenia, Ozone Alergia, Hemorrhagic or Apoplectic Stroke, Ozone Intolerance.”(6)

While there isn’t a lot out there on potential skin reactions, rashes are possible from its use. One recommendation advises against applying ozonated oils to the lips because the “stratum corneum is thin in lip mucosa and the lips are more sensitive to the irritating action of ozone.”(5)

I hope you find this information helpful! It’s definitely very interesting.

And if you know anyone who would love to learn more about ozonated oils (especially ozonated olive oil), share this episode with them!

This could be a great natural option to try if you’re dealing with dysbiosis on your skin.

All of the links and research can be found in the show notes over at Skinterrupt.com/133. Head there to check everything out AND leave a comment sharing if you’ve ever considered trying ozonated olive oil topically OR if you’ve had an experience with it.

I’d love to hear how it worked for you AND I’m certain other listeners would too.

And before you head out, take a moment to head on over to iTunes or your podcast platform of choice to rate and review the show. Each review means so much to me and is an easy way to pay forward everything you learn here on the Healthy Skin Show.

Then make sure to hit the subscribe button so the next episode lands on your mobile device without you having to do a thing.

Thank you so much for tuning in and I look forward to seeing you in the next episode!

Woman in library with reference books


  1. https://ozonewatch.gsfc.nasa.gov/facts/SH.html
  2. https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/320759
  3. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4576797/
  4. https://www.hindawi.com/journals/mi/2010/610418/
  5. https://www.mdpi.com/1420-3049/25/2/334/htm
  6. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5783482/
  7. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/01919512.2016.1272405
  8. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4792056/

Ozone is definitely antimicrobial having the capacity to kill all sorts of microbes including bacteria, parasites, fungal organisms, viruses, and protozoa. When added to oils, there’s no concern about developing resistance.

Jennifer Fugo, MS, CNS

Jennifer Fugo, MS, CNS is an integrative Clinical Nutritionist and the founder of Skinterrupt. She works with adults who are ready to stop chronic gut and skin rash issues by discovering their unique root cause combo and take custom actions with Jennifer's support to get clear skin (and their life) back.

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