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Have you tried using topical zinc for eczema, psoriasis, or other rashes yet? Because spoiler: when you use the correct form of zinc topically, it can be a game changer for your skin rash. Why? So many skin rash warriors are deficient in this crucial mineral. And taking zinc orally just doesn’t always cut it for most people, unfortunately.
So if you haven’t yet explored the skin rash-zinc connection, let’s take a look at why topical zinc can be so helpful, things you need to watch out for when using it, and what to look for in a topical zinc formula — because not all zinc is created the same.
Before we dive in: Are you tired of chasing skin rash remedies that seem to work for everyone else but you? Do you find something that seems to help…only to have your fleeting victory erased by a massive flare? This happens because everyone’s root cause of their rash is different — and most people have several root causes going on at once. So when you get one fire under control, another pops up. It’s exhausting.
Here’s the exact process I take my private clients through to help them heal: my FREE Skin Rash Root Cause Finder. A quick and easy-to-use workbook that will help you narrow down the underlying causes of your rash so you can get to work stopping it! Download it here and let’s figure this out, together!
Or, listen on your favorite app: iTunes (Apple Podcasts) | Spotify | Stitcher | TuneIn | Subscribe on Android
In This Episode:
- What are the topical zinc benefits for skin rashes?
- If you have a skin rash, does that mean you have a zinc deficiency?
- Is zinc good for eczema?
- Should you use nano or non-nano zinc oxide?
- Drawbacks of topical zinc and why you might not want to use it
- Real zinc and eczema results
“There was also a statistically significant decrease in the occurrence of Staphylococcus aureus in the wounds of study participants, suggesting zinc could have anti-microbial properties.”
“Generally, we often see a relationship between lower levels of zinc in the body and eczema (and other skin complications like hidradenitis suppurativa, acne, rosacea, seborrheic dermatitis, psoriasis, vitiligo, and melasma)”
Healthy Skin Show ep. 169: Why Is Zinc So Important For Your Skin?
Healthy Skin Show ep. 172: Why Use Zinc Cream For Skin Rashes
DermaQuell Z+ Rebuilder –
ALSO – we offer all three full 2oz jars in the Ultimate Quell kit –
Use coupon code QUELL10 to get $10 off your first order
OR try the Quell skincare sample pack that includes Z+ Rebuilder along with Daily Butter and Nourish Butter creams for only $12.95 (free shipping) – (especially great for those who are nervous to purchase a full product without trying it first. Each sample is a sealed 0.26oz sachet packet and includes a $12.95 store credit to use on anything in the shop).
346: Zinc For Eczema, Psoriasis, H.S. + Other Painful, Itchy Rashes {FULL TRANSCRIPT}
Welcome back to episode 346 of the Healthy Skin Show! In today’s episode, we’re going deep into using topical zinc for eczema, psoriasis, hidradenitis suppurativa, and other skin rashes.
If you’ve never heard of the “zinc link” before, this will be quite an interesting episode!
So many of my clients have found relief from applying topical zinc on eczema and many other types of rashes that I knew I had to do another episode outlining topical zinc skin benefits.
If you like this episode, be sure to check out part one in this topical zinc cream series, and this episode on zinc and your skin.
Topical Zinc Benefits For Skin Rashes
Topical zinc is one of those fascinating skin rash puzzle pieces that so many of my clients find to be one of the big missing links in their cases. A majority of people we see in my private practice turn out to be deficient in zinc.
Topical zinc for skin is far from a new invention — after all, manufacturers were putting zinc into calamine lotion years ago for help with things like poison ivy and bug bites. So we know that zinc is something that helps.
Zinc can also be a key ingredient in diaper rash formulas. And there are more than a few people who have claimed to use a zinc cream diaper rash ointment on their skin in a pinch. However, most hate the awful cast it creates on all skin tones and that high concentrations of zinc can be really drying.
But why is topical zinc cream so effective when it comes to rash care? And why doesn’t everyone know about this connection between zinc and skin?
First, let’s take a look at some of the topical zinc cream benefits for your skin and rashes.
Topical Zinc For Wound Healing And Skin Barrier Support
A review published in SKIN, the Journal of The National Society for Cutaneous Medicine, looked at studies evaluating the use of topical zinc formulations in post-surgical applications. (1) In one randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind study included in the review, researchers noted healing time for post-surgical wounds was reduced by over a week with the use of topical zinc.
In that study, there was also a statistically significant decrease in the occurrence of Staphylococcus aureus in the wounds of study participants, suggesting zinc could have anti-microbial properties as well. (2)
The review concluded that while there aren’t mountains of studies to support the idea, zinc may be a beneficial treatment option for post-surgical wound healing and it certainly seems to be a skin-supportive nutrient.
We know that zinc is a required nutrient for tissue repair. (3) And it appears to help heal the skin when wounded…
But it also has a reputation for supporting the skin barrier. One recent study looked at the efficacy of zinc cream for bed sores and found it more effective than the traditional barrier creams hospitals typically use. (4)
Zinc Deficiency, Eczema, Psoriasis, And Other Skin Rashes
Generally, we often see a relationship between lower levels of zinc in the body and eczema (and other skin complications like hidradenitis suppurativa, acne, rosacea, seborrheic dermatitis, psoriasis, vitiligo, and melasma). (5,6,7)
And that’s because zinc is a crucial trace mineral — the second most abundant in the body. Zinc is involved in many cellular metabolic activities, and it’s found in high concentrations in the skin. (8)
But despite the high need for zinc, your body doesn’t make it, unfortunately.
Which means you need to consume it, either in your diet or via supplementation.
And that’s where things get tricky. Because yes, there’s zinc in beef, but it’s also in foods like oysters and pumpkin seeds…foods that a lot of people aren’t eating daily. And if your gut isn’t digesting and absorbing nutrients to its fullest capability, that can mean your body just isn’t getting the zinc it needs.
Plus, once you’re in the subclinically or clinically deficient range, it can be hard to build up zinc levels safely.
I go into this in-depth in this article about zinc, but essentially, if you’re getting too much zinc from a supplement plus your diet, this can interfere with the absorption of copper in your body — which can lead to problems, too.
And then there’s the fact that once your zinc levels are depleted, your body will not necessarily route zinc to your skin until a lot of the other systems in your body are taken care of.
That’s where topical zinc comes in.
Can Zinc Help Eczema?
Is zinc oxide good for eczema? It’s certainly possible, especially since so many skin rash warriors appear deficient in this crucial mineral. Plus, with its reputation for supporting the skin barrier and healthy levels of inflammation, topical zinc oxide is one of my go-to choices for many rashes, including eczema, psoriasis, and hidradenitis suppurativa.
But the type of topical zinc matters. Let’s dive into the difference between nano and non-nano zinc.
Best Zinc For Eczema: Nano Vs. Non-Nano Zinc Oxide
Years ago, we started using zinc oxide as a physical sunscreen. And ever since, people have been complaining about the white cast it leaves on the skin. So scientists started developing chemical sunscreens, which absorb into the skin better and don’t leave that unsightly white cast.
Which was great, until we realized that chemical sunscreens were washing off of people and into waterways, causing death and destruction for marine life. And those chemical sunscreens turned out to be famous for containing endocrine-disrupting chemicals as well.
So then people started going back to good old zinc oxide. But again, we have the white cast issue. Scientists got to work and started developing smaller particles of zinc that would absorb into the skin more like chemical sunscreens so we could have sun protection that was also reef-safe, endocrine system-safe, and they didn’t make you look like you’d been rolling around in baking flour.
These particles are called zinc nanoparticles, or nano-zinc or ZnO NPs for short.
Now, there is some concern about potential systemic absorption and toxicity when it comes to the potential effects of these newly developed zinc nanoparticles (ZnO-NP) in sunscreens and other topical formulas. It’s still being debated whether or not it might be possible for these tiny particles to be absorbed by the skin and cause issues. Some research says your skin doesn’t absorb enough of the zinc to be concerned about. (9)
But there isn’t a large amount of research that says topical ZnO-NPs are completely safe. And there’s even less research on how these nanoparticles may affect people with compromised skin or skin rashes.
In one study of psoriasis-like skin, nano-zinc caused inflammation of the lesions and delayed healing in the mouse model, which obviously is not ideal. (10)
And another study suggested that ZnO-NPs induced skin damage in conjunction with UVB exposure, which again isn’t great for anyone, let alone people with rashes. (11)
This is why I prefer to stick with non-nano zinc for rashed skin.
Best Zinc Cream For Eczema
In fact, cream zinc oxide is one of my favorite things for my clients to try on their skin rash…keep scrolling for some really neat results they’ve experienced using it.
But let’s face it, there are a few big reasons zinc creams aren’t wildly popular. After all, if they help rashes so much, why isn’t everyone using them?
Well, for one thing, no one wants to use diaper cream for their zinc cream on the face or body, right? And let’s not even talk about the ugly pink vomit-colored calamine lotion. Yuck.
Secondly, zinc can actually feel drying when it’s not incorporated into a blend of other moisture-encouraging ingredients. And no one with a rash wants to risk drying out their skin.
Third, zinc in high concentrations will stain pretty much any fabric it comes in contact with, including clothing and sheets. It really stinks that the amount of zinc in a diaper rash or mineral sunscreen will stubbornly stick to fabrics despite multiple washings. It’s such a problem that there’s message boards online with people asking how on earth to get it out of their clothing.
And then there’s the fact that when it’s a non-nano zinc formula, zinc can leave an unattractive white cast on the skin that doesn’t look great on anyone (no matter the skin tone) and is especially problematic for people with darker skin tones. So it feels like with the majority of zinc options, it’s really tricky to use and you just need to accept that you’ll “look like Casper the ghost.”
That’s why I love the Quell Z+ Rebuilder so much. You don’t have to choose between safety and vanity. It’s a non-nano zinc formula, and, because of the unique blend of botanicals such as moringa oil and black seed oil — it easily blends in and doesn’t leave that embarrassing white cast. It’s not drying nor does it get trapped in your clothing.
It’s perfect for anyone suffering from rashes, and is amazing when paired with Nourish Butter if you’re in the middle of a flare.
Zinc And Eczema Results
The Quell Z+ Rebuilder is one of my “secret weapons” that I love seeing bring results to my clients.
Check out what GP had to say about Z+ Rebuilder and the photos of her results!
“I’ve been mildly eczema-prone since infancy. It’s well managed with a healthy diet, but sometimes I get flare-ups when I’m fighting off a cold, or very stressed. These patches on my shoulders in the photos were there for several weeks. I took photos again just after 5 days of applying the Z+ Rebuilder (I put it on three times a day). I was really happy that the roughness and itchiness subsided after the first day. Really pleased!”
Check out Z+ Rebuilder here for yourself!
The Final Verdict: Zinc For Eczema, Psoriasis, H.S. + Other Painful, Itchy Rashes
Overall, topical zinc oxide for eczema, perioral dermatitis, hidradenitis suppurativa, and other skin conditions gets a thumbs up in my clinical experience.
And the Quell Z+ Rebuilder offers the benefits of zinc without the problematic drying and white cast often associated with topical zinc in skincare. It easily blends in and can be so helpful to support itchy, rashy skin.
You can also test drive the Z+ Rebuilder in our Quell Sample Kit which lets you try out all three of our skin rash-friendly formulas for just $12.95. Then we send you a coupon for $12.95 — so the kit is basically FREE to try! Grab a sample kit here.
Jennifer Fugo, MS, CNS
Jennifer Fugo, MS, CNS is an integrative Clinical Nutritionist and the founder of Skinterrupt. She works with adults who are ready to stop chronic gut and skin rash issues by discovering their unique root cause combo and take custom actions with Jennifer's support to get clear skin (and their life) back.