When you think of acne triggers, your mind might immediately go to hormones and gut health. But there are some surprising triggers for acne that might not have crossed your mind!
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My guest today is Lacey Dunn. Lacey is breaking the mold in the “dietitian world” as a fitness professional, bodybuilder, and registered dietitian.
Her mission is to educate others on evidence-based nutrition by promoting a healthy, sustainable lifestyle through flexible dieting. She believes that there is no “one size fits all” approach, and that self efficacy in food choice is a driving force for fostering healthy habits and encouraging behavioral change.
Lacey is the owner of a thriving online coaching platform, UpliftFit Nutrition, as well as host and founder of UpliftFit Nutrition radio. Most recently, she released the book The Women's Guide to Hormonal Harmony: How to rebalance your hormones, master your metabolism, and become the boss of your own body.
Lacey’s goal as a dietitian is to provide the tools that people need in order to achieve a healthy, and balanced diet while simultaneously helping them to grow and thrive in all aspects of their lives.
Join us as we talk about strange and unexpected triggers for acne.
Have you ever experienced an acne flare due to any of the triggers mentioned in today's episode? Tell me about it in the comments!
In this episode:
- Can supplements trigger acne?
- Why can some nutrients like vitamin B12 and biotin cause an acne flare?
- Could your sensitivity to the nutrients improve at all as you improve or rebalance gut, hormone, or liver health?
- Why can topicals trigger acne?
- Possible causes of cystic acne
- What is DHT?
“When we're looking at acne, for the most part, we're questioning first and foremost, what do my hormones look like? What does my gut look like? What does my liver look like? But other than that, if you have random acne out of the blue, it could be really maybe a food, but also maybe a supplement you started.” [1:32]
“When we over exfoliate our skin, we over dry our skin. We irritate it and we damage our skin lining or skin barrier. And then what happens is we have irritated, flaky, red, itchy skin that then tries to heal itself and it can erupt in acne.” [11:20]
Lacey's No BS Guide to Healing Hashimoto’s and Hypothyroidism
Healthy Skin Show ep. 120 Estrogen Dominance Effect On Skin Problems w/ Lacey Dunn
Healthy Skin Show ep. 075: Why Biotin Can Mess Up Your Labs (Big Time)
Follow Lacey on Instagram | Instagram
Weird Triggers For Acne You Probably Haven't Heard Of w/ Lacey Dunn, MS, RD, LD, CPT FULL TRANSCRIPT
Jennifer: Hey, Lacey. Thank you so much for coming back to the show. I'm super excited to have you here again. You were a guest, I guess about a year ago. And we have a lot to talk about so I really appreciate you making the time. I know you're busy, but thank you so much.
Lacey: Thank you so much, Jennifer. I'm so excited. I loved being here last time. So today we're going to talk about something I'm super passionate about because I have been through the wood works with it.
Jennifer: I know. So let me set the stage. A good friend of mine had started taking a multivitamin. And for many of you who've had acne issues. You might relate to this where you start taking something and all of a sudden you see this outbreak of acne. And so she went to her esthetician and the esthetician was like, oh, well, did you recently start any supplements? Did the supplements have any biotin in them? Now the supplement that she was taking did not have a ton of biotin because some of the hair, skin, nail formulas have so much biotin in it. It ended up not being the multi, but it was the first time that I had ever really heard that biotin or any nutrient could actually cause to cause acne. And so acne is not my wheelhouse which is why I love having guests like yourself on the show to really talk and dive deeper into this. But when I told you this story, before we started, this really resonated with you. Why? Why did this story resonate with you so much?
Lacey: Because I have been there. I've done that. I've gone through that chaos and it's happened for many of my clients as well. So when we're looking at acne, for the most part, we're questioning first and foremost, what do my hormones look like? What does my gut look like? What does my liver look like? But other than that, if you have random acne out of the blue, it could be really maybe a food, but also maybe a supplement you started. And I see this time and time again, when people switch from one multivitamin to another multivitamin or they think, oh, hey, maybe I need some B12 for my energy. Or maybe let me add some biotin for extra hair growth.
Lacey: They don't think about it. But sometimes these ingredients can cause acne flare ups. I know for myself, I was like, okay, I ran out of my multivitamin. One of my favorite ones, it's the Designs for Health. And so I switched over to a Organic Life one that I found at Whole Foods. And I was like, oh, it's just a normal organic multivitamin. And I didn't look at, oh, hey, it's higher B12, it's higher in biotin. And I switched over to it, I kid you not, I was one day in like 12 hours in and I had three different cysts. Cystic acne blasted up on my face. And I was like, there's no way. And I looked it up, I kid you not, I looked at those ingredients.
Lacey: I knew some ingredients could cause flare ups. And I was like, yep, it was the multivitamin. And it happens to my clients too. They'll be like, Lacey, I just had a lot of … I had a huge acne flare this past week, I don't know what's up. And I'm like, okay, what'd you do? What'd you switch out? They're like, well, I tried this new multivitamin. I'm like, did I tell you first and foremost to do a new multivitamin? They're like, no. I'm like, okay, what'd you try? And I kid you not most of the time when you make those switch, it is that multivitamin. Whether it's the B12, the biotin, sometimes it's even higher dose vitamin D, B6. All these things sometimes can aggravate acne.
Jennifer: Why? Like that is kind of mind boggling. Like why would those nutrients, which we need … And I will also add to this, a lot of people with skin issues are like especially with D, they're deficient. It's really common to be deficient in D. I found, I would say about in my practice and I don't know what the percentage is in yours, but I would say a good like 25% to 35% of people are pretty much deficient in B12. A lot of them need B6. So why would these really healthy nutrients that our body needs, why would they trigger an acne flare?
Lacey: In the literature, they “don't know”. One of the guesses is that it causes an overgrowth of some bacteria. I don't know how to spell out their name, but my feeling is when we have too much, maybe too much B12, too much vitamin D, it's causing an upregulation in our collagen production. And if we don't properly slough that away, that's blocking the pores and then causing the acne and the pustules to form. So that is what I think happens as well as just the aggravation overall. Sometimes on a kind of like a liver basis, if there's too much being thrown at it and it's got to detoxify everything, it's very interesting things. And it doesn't happen to everybody. The vitamin D is more of a threshold effect, but hands down, the high dose vitamin B12 and the biotin, and the B6, I see those a lot.
Jennifer: So let's talk about B12, for example. Do you have an idea? Is it like a thousand micrograms, 2,000 micrograms? Is there a certain red flag threshold where you're like, ooh, if you're acne prone that might not be a good idea to increase. Especially, I always tell people, look, therapeutic doses, you should really work with somebody to manage that. Because I get nervous when people are like yeah, I'm taking taking 5,000 micrograms a day of B12. And I'm like why? Who's been monitoring your levels. So like with B12, what amount do you find to be problematic?
Lacey: It really depends if the person is acne prone or not first and foremost. If somebody's very acne prone, I've had a couple clients to where we can't even touch B12 when they're in the midst of having flare ups. Yeah, we have to go with a multivitamin without biotin, without B12. And I kid you not, that's hard to do, but yeah, it really depends. And I typically, I see that a thousand be a threshold for people that are acne sensitive.
Jennifer: Oh, that's interesting. And how about biotin? Because biotin's a funny thing, small amounts can actually mess up your labs. You guys know, I've talked about that on show before. So biotin, it's an important nutrient, but how much a biotin could be problematic for somebody who's acne prone?
Lacey: Great question. So 150, I think it's ugs. I've seen that anything above that cause a flare. So a little baby bit of biotin, I kid you not, can cause a flare. And that's what it does to me. Even anything over just a baby bit will cause me to have automatic cystic acne.
Jennifer: So for you a hair, skin, and nail formula, that's got like 2,000.
Lacey: I blow up. Let me see if I can pull this one up. Yeah, just a baby bit of biotin will cause me to have a flare and it's crazy. I know I started when I had my candida, I was doing a candida support by now and it had a baby bit of biotin. And I didn't even look at it. I didn't even think about it. I was like oh, I just need to clear my candida. And the 12 hours after I started it, automatically, cystic acne. I was like damn, I did it again.
Jennifer: My goodness. So in the case of somebody who has tested out adding these nutrients themselves or they're playing around with a multivitamin, what do you do? It sort of seems like you're damned if you do, damned if you don't. You need the nutrients because your body doesn't make them. And obviously, food … So wait, does this apply to food sources as well that are high in these nutrients or just mostly the supplemental forms?
Lacey: I honestly mostly see it in the synthetic supplemental form.
Jennifer: Okay. So and let's add to this. Let's drill down a little bit further. Would this be like methylcobalamin which is the activated form of B12 versus say cyanocobalamine or it doesn't matter the form of B12, just the amount is more problematic?
Lacey: I have not played around with that. I guess I have not wanted to test people like a Guinea pig and be like let's try this out. I could test myself. I will erupt with my face, but I definitely see when it comes down to the COMP gene, the MTHFR gene. That with the methyl, of course does matter, but with acne, I have not seen anything just yet.
Jennifer: Interesting.
Lacey: Let me know if I need to experiment this stuff.
Jennifer: I wonder. Listeners may feel like yeah, Lacey, could you try that out on yourself? I'd rather … [crosstalk 00:08:33]
Lacey: I typically, anyways, I give a mix of methyl and adeno/hydroxy B12 anyway. I always look for a mix because I do find that a lot more people have a sluggish COMP gene than that, which if you add too much methyl, then you have anxiety. Increase your [inaudible 00:08:50] depression. So I definitely try to go for the mix anyway. So maybe better safe than sorry, go with the mixture.
Jennifer: Yeah. And if you have other factors going on because the listeners know that acne and other skin issues are … There's usually a constellation of things going on, right? So there's usually gut issues. There's usually liver issues. I think for acne, there can absolutely a hundred percent be like a sex hormone component to it … [crosstalk 00:09:17]
Lacey: 100%.
Jennifer: … as well. Could your sensitivity to the nutrients improve at all as you improve or rebalance some of these other areas? Or is it sort of like one of those things where you find out you're really sensitive to biotin and you're just kind of you just can't do it really?
Lacey: Yeah. It definitely what I see is women, they feel their very best with their skin at the very beginning of their menstrual cycle when that estrogen is predominating and it's giving you that youthfulness, helping with that collagen production. And then upon ovulation, when progesterone kind of like dries things up, I see people have a flare up. So if you're adding in the nutrient then plus ovulation, plus the progesterone spike, that's when I start to see that PMS type of hormonal acne.
Jennifer: Oh, interesting. So it might even depend. All right, so now we've thrown another whole piece in there [crosstalk 00:10:14] so it may …
Lacey: Oh, there's so many pieces to acne flares, it's so confusing.
Jennifer: So another piece is, especially for women who are listening may be that menstrual cycle, really getting familiar, starting to track your cycle. There's plenty of apps by the way, guys, you can download on your phone to start tracking your cycle which I even find to be very enlightening. It's helpful to see where you're at with things, but that may even impact your reactivity to those nutrients depending on where you are in that cycle.
Lacey: Topicals as well.
Jennifer: Wow. Okay. So let's talk about topicals. Like what type of topicals do you find that could actually trigger a flare? For you, what has been a problem?
Lacey: So I am what you call an over-exfoliator. So I am really bad at over-exfoliating my skin which is bad news bears when it comes down to your skin health because what we can do is we can over damage our skin. So when we put on maybe retinoids or AHAs and BHAs, these are exfoliants. Well, the AHAs and the BHAs, and what can happen is we can over-exfoliate our skin. And when we over exfoliate our skin, we over dry our skin. We irritate it and we damage our skin lining or skin barrier. And then what happens is we have irritated, flaky, red, itchy skin that then tries to heal itself and it can erupt in acne. And that's when you might even notice, like the little, just milia, little bumps on your skin.
Lacey: You can have pustules, even cystic acne, all as a flare, as kind of like a warning sign. Hey, I am inflamed, I need help. And I've done this before. And I know other people that have as well doing a retinoid and then thinking, okay, I'm doing good on this retinoid and then not taking breaks from the retinoid. So causing flares because of that or mixing things like salicylic acid with a retinoid or benzoyl peroxide with a retinoid. Those things can definitely 100% damage your skin barrier. You have to very much go slow. And like I said, throughout your menstrual cycle too, maybe if you throw in a brand new retinoid right after ovulation, you are at risk and prone to breakout potentially because of that.
Jennifer: That's fascinating.
Lacey: It is fascinating.
Jennifer: I know, for me, I have to be really careful what I put on my skin. I have a totally different problem, which is very costly if I have to fix it because I got to get stuff burned off my face actually. It's not fun. So I can appreciate the frustration that people go through even though I am not acne prone to … It's just like you want your skin to just be calm and you feel like in some respects, no matter what you do, you're stuck.
Lacey: And people make that mistake. Do you know how we throw in supplements like thinking we need, oh, I need B12 or I need biotin to make my hair grow? People do that with skincare so that they think, oh, I need to use this new lotion. I needed to use this new toner. I need to use this new glycolic acid. Many people, they don't know what those ingredients do. That's a problem. And then they throw too many ingredients on the skin and they aggravate it. And then it's going to reach out via acne. Just like when we put too much on our liver, we have problems with liver detoxification and we might have acne. Our skin is the same way. It purges and it asks for help.
Jennifer: Can I ask you, for somebody who's struggling with cystic acne, if they present to you, and they're like, Lacey, I really need help because I know that you do work with acne in your practice. What do you generally look for with cystic acne? Are there sort of like red flags that you're like well, we got to look down this rabbit hole. I know that's the case for me, depending if somebody has like eczema or psoriasis or … there's certain other little tweaks to how I'm looking at their case that's a little different from somebody else's.
Lacey: Yes. I love that. Cystic acne is a demon. For those that don't know, it is just like a bubble under your skin. It is not poppable and it does not come to head and it's filled with fluid in it hurts. It will hurt to move your mouth, your body. Most of the time with cystic acne, first and foremost, I'm looking at okay, what is causing that inflammation? So I look at the diet. Is it maybe a reaction to a food like dairy. For me, if I eat ice cream which I have a few marks on my face because I wanted ice cream, that will cause a cystic flare. So diet first and foremost, poor liver detoxification. I look at the gut. Gut infections, things like SIBO, candida, H. pylori is an acne demon. And then what I also want to do is look at hormones, estrogen dominance, heavily high testosterone, high DHT.
Lacey: These things will cause flare, specifically in cystic and overall acne in general. And then I see a lot of people with cystic acne as well, misused topicals. So when we're looking at cystic acne, cystic acne responds to different topicals than other acne treatments. So if you throw on benzoyl peroxide, but you're not using salicylic acid to go into the pores. And really salicylic acid is a BHA and that is going to go in the pores and it's going to penetrate in to exfoliate those dead skin cells. So if you're not using salicylic acid and benzoyl peroxide together, sometimes cystic acne, it does not do the job with just benzoyl peroxide. So it really depends on what's going on internally as well as externally. And those topicals can make a big, big difference.
Jennifer: Can we talk for a moment, a little bit about testosterone? I know you mentioned testosterone as a part of this as is DHT. What is DHT for those who are listening?
Lacey: So DHT, when we think DHT, we're thinking of male pattern hair loss, oily skin, acne, aggression, things that typically are causing men, prostate issues. But women, we can also have an issue when it comes down to what's called our 5-alpha reductase activity. So with 5-alpha reductase, think of it like the metabolization of your testosterone. So you can either make etiocholanolone or androsterone. Androsterone is when your pathway flowing down that 5-alpha pathway, and that 5-alpha pathway produces DHT which is actually three times more androgenic than your other pathway, your etiocholanolone.
Lacey: So we have one pathway we want to prefer, that is not DHT. We want to make etiocholanolone not androsterone. Sometimes people make more of one than the other 5-alpha preference genetically and it doesn't cause them an issue. But if you're making too much of the androsterone, too much DHT, that's when many people have the PCOS type of hair loss, oily skin, acne, aggression. And the downside is many people don't or many practitioners don't check DHT in the blood. And you can have normal testosterone levels, but high DHT. And the people are like okay, why am I having high testosterone related symptoms? It could be that 5-alpha preference.
Jennifer: So if you have cystic acne, what I'm gathering from this conversation is that getting your hormones tested is probably a crucial piece. I don't know. I guess the other question, because I'm always a big fan of we've got to be careful. The order that we do things, it matters, right? So if somebody is listening to this and they're just at the beginning of their journey, should they do hormone testing or are there some other things that they should maybe start with? I know that you talk a lot about this, and of all this stuff in your book, The Women's Guide to Hormonal Harmony, which is like this huge Bible, basically. It's like 400 pages long. I can't believe you wrote a 400-page book. I mean not that I can't believe it, but it's just incredible to do such an amazing piece.
Lacey: Thank you.
Jennifer: So what is the order for acne? If someone's dealing with acne, especially cystic acne, is there a certain order that they should start doing things and to help them because you and I are both the same I feel like in this. I don't want to waste money and I don't like wasting people's money. And I have found at least with other skin issues, if you do certain testing too early, you can waste money because it will change down the road. And you'd rather know where that testing is down the road, want some other more foundational things. So in your book, in terms of acne, is it as it's concerned, is there a bit of an order to go if you're looking at tests and what not?
Lacey: I love that. So I start with blood work for hormones, first and foremost. I want to look at nutrient status if possible and then I start with the gut, hands down. Most acne issues, I would say 85% of acne issues, stem from some shape or form of overgrowth in the gut. I've gone to the point where I've told clients, okay, if we do not find anything in your gut at all on this GI map, I will refund you. And they're like, okay, cool. I'm like I know what I'm what I'm going to see so I have no issue.
Jennifer: I assume at this point, you have literally not refunded one single person.
Lacey: Not one single person.
Jennifer: Oh goodness. Okay. So we do [crosstalk 00:19:24].
Lacey: Start with the gut.
Jennifer: Start with the gut. We started there. And so you do the blood hormones, is there a certain point where doing like a DUTCH Test, which I know that you are extremely experienced in reviewing. At what point would a DUTCH Test make sense for someone?
Lacey: Yeah. I love that. So when it comes down to the DUTCH Test, if somebody's sex hormones, they come back and they're, I'm like that's not matching with their symptoms. Or they're chronically fatigued. They have trouble sleeping. They have blood sugar swings throughout the day, or they have weird energy or mood issues like anxiety and depression. That's when I'm like okay, let's pull a DUTCH, let's see what this looks like. It also kind of depends, okay, does somebody have a longer period or maybe a weird wonky irregular period? Then I might do something like the DUTCH Cycle Map to see what their hormones are changing throughout their entire cycle, which gives me a better clinical picture because that DUTCH is really a screenshot one day in time.
Jennifer: Got it. So basically, let's recap this slightly for everyone. So number one, you can be sensitive to several nutrients that your body does not make, that you normally either need to get from food or supplements. And if you are deficient, then you've got to get it from usually additional supplements. That can cause acne. You can also get acne if you're using topicals in an inappropriate fashion. You're going on the blogs and possibly just following the directions of somebody who doesn't really know what they're doing and doesn't have experience with topicals. You could mix them in the wrong fashion. You could use change forms and it's just not a good fit for your skin, but this becomes increasingly more complicated depending on genetic, your genetic picture, right? And then also too, how, where you are in terms of at least, oh, from a woman's perspective, where you are in your cycle. So your cycle, and where … [crosstalk 00:21:22]
Lacey: That is so good. You should write a book out of it.
Jennifer: … you are in it, you could also increase your sensitivity to those [crosstalk 00:21:26] nutrients. Is that an accurate recap, essentially? I don't need to. You already did I? Because I think that it is, look, it is complicated. I know that everybody wants some simple, straightforward thing, but this is a great place to begin. If you're really struggling with cystic acne, it might be worthwhile to consider testing out. So what would you do in the case of nutrients? Do you have the person stop it? What could somebody do at home if we're just talking about supplements, they're not working with a practitioner or maybe [crosstalk 00:22:05] these are questions to bring to practitioner. What if … [crosstalk 00:22:08]
Lacey: I have people just go cold turkey, [crosstalk 00:22:07] cut everything out. What's funny is I posted about that multivitamin on Instagram [crosstalk 00:22:11] one day and I kid you not 15-20 people messaged me back and said, okay, I cut my multivitamin out. And instantly my acne went away. And I was like, yeah, that's how it is. So yes, first and foremost, just go cold turkey, cut everything out, introduce things and give it at least 72 hours because it can take that long, those three days for acne to flare up. For some people like for me, I'll know within 12, but give it three days, go slow and re-introduce your supplements.
Jennifer: And so if you find that the current multi, for example, that you're taking is causing a problem, does that mean like all multis are off the table or you're just going to have to take therapy? [crosstalk 00:23:00]
Lacey: Find something else. [crosstalk 00:23:02] I would tell you [crosstalk 00:23:03] it's not just the B12. It's not just the biotin, it's the dosages and the types. [crosstalk 00:23:08] And it can sometimes be an additive in the multivitamin itself. So just be very careful and don't freak out. Oh, I can't take a multivitamin. Don't be afraid to try something different. Of course.
Jennifer: Lacey, can I ask you a quick question? Just in terms of multis, I noticed that some of the “organic” ones that are sold at like whole foods, some of them are made from a lot of fungal derivatives. I don't know if you've noticed that. Do you find that to be problematic? Because for me, when I have a client and especially when they have like this huge high fungal red flag picture, I'm like you know what, I just don't even want to chance it. I think we should get you away from things that have all of these fungal [crosstalk 00:24:05] ingredients. [crosstalk 00:24:06]
Lacey: Yes. If somebody has fungal issues [crosstalk 00:24:08] can beat us, something like that, then we'll definitely want to go with more of a, [crosstalk 00:24:11] I don't want to say like synthetic form, [crosstalk 00:24:14] but go with more of a synthetic versus a whole food based form. And what's sad is those fungal ones are really easy to grow for them to make the B12, to make the biotin. And same goes with mushroom products. I mean they're cheap for them to make. So I do have to switch over to more of those synthetic. I know Designs for Health, they make some of my favorite products. Oh, I forgot to mention one more thing. Freaking iodine, using iodized salt.
Jennifer: So my mind is blown. [crosstalk 00:24:46]
Lacey: That can cause you to have, yes, it can exacerbate [crosstalk 00:24:50] cystic acne big time.
Jennifer: Oh, please, go ahead, go ahead. [crosstalk 00:24:51]
Lacey: I totally forgot about that. And I've done that myself. [crosstalk 00:24:54] When I just think some people have regular salt [crosstalk 00:24:58] and I'll dose my food with their iodized salt and the next day, boom, acne. I think it is. I really do. I have not been able to find or figure out why, [crosstalk 00:25:12] but all I know is I've seen it in myself [crosstalk 00:25:15] and I've seen it in clients.
Jennifer: Why do you think that is? [crosstalk 00:25:16] Do you think it's because of pre-existing sensitivity to iodine or?
Lacey: Wow.
Jennifer: I've had clients who are very, and when I say very, I mean like extremely sensitive to minerals to the point where it will keep them awake at night and cause extreme insomnia and we can't do multivitamins that [crosstalk 00:25:42] have any minerals in them and they can try. Sometimes we can get away with like a single mineral supplement, which is annoying because I like to get people on the smallest number of things. But in some instances, it's not possible because they can't tolerate the amount or the type or whatever that's in things. So I have seen it trigger insomnia and anxiety and agitation which is so weird. But everybody's different where this is like I think the frustration and the beauty of the human body, that we're all so different and it shouldn't be … I think we have this expectation that like why can't I be like everyone else? Because they seem to have it so easy, but we all come into this life with our own playing cards that we just have to, you got to play what you were dealt [crosstalk 00:26:31]
Lacey: I do. I've been there, I've done that.
Jennifer: [crosstalk 00:26:33] … own things. And acne is a tricky one. And I'm so glad [crosstalk 00:26:37]
Lacey: I do [crosstalk 00:26:38] uplift that nutrition. I absolutely love chatting about acne healing, acne, because I've been there [crosstalk 00:26:43] and I know how frustrating it can be. [crosstalk 00:26:45] Not only getting rid of it, but getting rid of the scarring from it.
Jennifer: Yeah. And then also too, [crosstalk 00:27:01].
Lacey: Oh, thank you.
Jennifer: If people aren't quite ready for one-on-one support … [crosstalk 00:27:06]
Lacey: Yes, it is on Amazon for $30. You can pick approximately 75% of my brain.
Jennifer: And it's a huge book and you can get this on Amazon. Correct? Yes. And what is amazing you guys is that this is a huge, I mean this is so filled with so much incredible information. [crosstalk 00:27:34] Amazing. Wonderful.
Lacey: It might be. [crosstalk 00:27:37] It might still be.
Jennifer: And then also I believe at this time of recording is it not still number one in endocrinology books? I mean like you have, because I know for a while you were like number one, like beating out big names, because it's not just, you're not like somebody who's just trendy. Like everybody knows Lacey, let's buy her book. Like you have legitimately amazing information that is based in research and science and a ton of experience working with clients, practitioners. You even train practitioners on how to understand DUTCH Testing and all sorts of stuff. So you're very well-respected and I just think you're such an asset to the community and especially for people who are struggling with hormonal issues and acne and all sorts of stuff you are really [crosstalk 00:28:21]
Lacey: Oh, [crosstalk 00:28:22] you're making my heart so happy, Jennifer. You're the best. Thank you. That means the world to me.
Jennifer: [crosstalk 00:28:26] … we've become friends and we're colleagues. And we get to collaborate on projects like this. So I encourage …
Lacey: Yes, thank you so much. And you guys, if you have any questions, I mean [crosstalk 00:28:37] I live up in my DMS, [crosstalk 00:28:39] so I am @faithandfit on Instagram. Don't hesitate to shoot me a question.
Jennifer: [crosstalk 00:28:43] … back sometime. Perfect. All right. Thanks, everybody.
Jennifer Fugo, MS, CNS
Jennifer Fugo, MS, CNS is an integrative Clinical Nutritionist and the founder of Skinterrupt. She works with adults who are ready to stop chronic gut and skin rash issues by discovering their unique root cause combo and take custom actions with Jennifer's support to get clear skin (and their life) back.
Hi Jennifer,
THANK YOU, AGAIN! I’ve been shopping price vs quality and trying to find a happy medium while combining supplements so as to not have as many bottles in my daily routine. And I’ve been noticing skin irritation and cystic acne popping up here and there as I’ve been trying new things. Light bulb is now ON. SO, going to go cold turkey off everything for a few days, then slowly add supplements back in again. Story. Of. My. Life. Sigh.
Thank you again for all of your research and hard work, and most of all for your generous education for everyone who tunes in. You are an amazing resource. I regularly send your links to people I know who have relevant issues.