November 2, 2023
316: Elimination Diets, Disordered Eating + Food Fear w/ MaryCatherine McDonald, PhD
Elimination diets can be therapeutic tools to support your health. But they also have the power to trigger disordered eating patterns + food fear. Except for a few instances, elimination diets aren't…
October 12, 2023
313: Testing for Candida Overgrowth (Is the Candida Spit Test LEGIT?)
Testing for candida when you have what you think is a candida rash can feel really discouraging. Especially when you have all the classic signs of candida overgrowth, and yet, your test comes back…
September 28, 2023
311: What Causes Candida Overgrowth (and How to Stop It)
One of the questions I hear a lot is “what causes candida overgrowth?” Because Candida is one of the underlying root causes that can cause your gut and your skin microbiomes to become imbalanced or…
July 13, 2023
300: Why Research Isn’t Always Right
If you’re into looking at research to figure out more natural ways to support your skin condition (eczema, psoriasis, rosacea, hives, seborrheic dermatitis), this episode is for you. Like you, I love…
June 15, 2023
297: Deconstructing Trauma + Chronic Skin Problems w/ MaryCatherine McDonald, PhD
I'm over the moon to share today's interview! My guest today authored one of the first trauma books I truly enjoyed reading, and I think the book makes sense to the average person; it's not like a…
April 20, 2023
289: Using Herbs To Support Chronic Skin Conditions w/ Cassandra Quave, PhD
I'm going to say it. You CAN have reactions to all natural herbs. That's just how it goes. Natural does not mean safe and that you could NEVER react to it. To go into all the science behind herbals,…
February 16, 2023
281: Why Protein Intake Is So Important For Skin Health w/ Dr. Gabrielle Lyon
If you're a longtime listener, you know that I HATE crazy food dogmas. I will say it OVER and OVER again! So, with this conversation, one of the important pieces that I want people to walk away from…
February 9, 2023
280: Low Stomach Acid + Chronic Skin Rash Issues
If you’ve heard that skin rashes are caused by underlying gut problems, this can definitely be a factor – especially looking at gut function + your gut microbiome. That said, gut issues are just one…
August 25, 2022
258: Tapping (aka Emotional Freedom Technique) For Eczema, Psoriasis + Other Rashes w/ Sarah Emily Speers, LMFT
Have you ever heard of tapping and thought that is way too “out there” for me? Well, did you know there is actual science backing up this technique for stress management? My guest today shares…
May 26, 2022
246: Everything You Need To Know About Skin Tests (Done By Your Dermatologist) w/ Dr. Peter Lio
Have you ever heard to just put honey or aloe on your rash? I URGE you to think twice on treating an angry rash at home before knowing what it is. Sometimes, it can be life threatening as you will…