318: Oral Microbiome: A Trigger of MASSIVE Inflammation w/ Dr. Victoria Sampson
Did you know that the inflammation that drives your eczema, psoriasis, rosacea, etc., could be triggered by your oral microbiome? That's right… Inflammation that shows up on your skin is often…
260: Oral Microbiome-Skin Rash Connection w/ Dr. Mark Burhenne
Raise your hand if you've ever used mouthwash or bleached your teeth. Probably everyone has at some point, right? My guest today will make you rethink your idea of having a "dirty" mouth that needs…
352: Dermatitis Herpetiformis (Celiac Gluten Rash) Symptoms + Treatment w/ Dr. Peter Lio
Are you struggling with a super itchy skin rash that looks like eczema? If gluten seems to be a trigger – you might be dealing with dermatitis herpetiformis! Dermatitis herpetiformis (DH) is a rare…
342: What Causes Sinusitis + Triggers Nose Rashes? Your Nasal Microbiome w/ Dr. Anastasia Stocker
Did you know that what’s living up in your nose could be a trigger for what causes sinusitis? The nasal microbiome is a vast new frontier and when things are out of balance, there is a ripple effect…
310: Integrative Perioral Dermatitis Treatment Options w/ Dr. Julie Greenberg, ND
Today we've not only got a fan favorite back on the show, we are going to talk about a topic that I've only had ONE other guest talk about- perioral dermatitis. I know firsthand from a handful of…
303: How To Reverse Gingivitis + Bleeding Gums
I never thought that I would get diagnosed with gingivitis + struggle with horribly painful, bleeding gums. But after months of intense stress, my mouth was really struggling at the end of 2022.…
293: Watch Out For This Inflammatory Mouth Bacteria To Your Skin + Health w/ Dr. Mark Cannon, DDS
The oral microbiome has been recently classified as a “gateway” microbiome, giving it immense importance in total body health. The placental microbiome is another gateway microbiome- it sets the…
289: Using Herbs To Support Chronic Skin Conditions w/ Cassandra Quave, PhD
I'm going to say it. You CAN have reactions to all natural herbs. That's just how it goes. Natural does not mean safe and that you could NEVER react to it. To go into all the science behind herbals,…
171: Can A Root Canal Cause Eczema, Psoriasis or Other Skin Rashes? w/ Dr. Kelly Blodgett
Did you know that a root canal could be a possible root cause for other health issues? My guest today is Dr. Kelly J. Blodgett, a recognized leader in holistic and integrative biological dentistry, a…