284: How to Find a Knowledgeable Integrative Practitioner For Skin Rash Problems

If working with an alternative medicine or integrative practitioner on your skin problems has been on your wish list, you must listen to this! Hopefully you’ll find this episode before you commit to…

221: Do Rashes In Certain Areas Mean Something?

Have you ever wondered if the placement of your rashes actually was an important clue to your case? I’ve been asked this A LOT! So today I thought I’d share some clinical pearls that I’ve picked up…

219: Dupixent Red Face + Neck Rash Associated With Fungal Overgrowth

Did you know that about 10% of people using Dupixent develop awful face and neck dermatitis? This issue (more officially called Dupilumab Facial Redness (DFR)) wasn’t flagged during the randomized…

200: Getting Emotional + Mental Support For TSW w/ Jing Rui Yeo

Topical Steroid Withdrawal can make you feel hopeless, because it can be so difficult to control. Plus symptoms that you experience can be incredibly debilitating. I've personally worked with a…

373: What Causes Scalp Psoriasis + That Awful Itchy Scalp? w/ Dr. Jenny Bennett

Scalp psoriasis affects nearly half of those with psoriasis, yet it remains one of the most misunderstood and challenging forms of psoriasis to get under control. If you’re reading this, you might…

371: How To Stop Feeling Overwhelmed (And Balance Nervous System Regulation) For Healing w/ Eliza Kingsford

Most people who need help with nervous system regulation, don’t realize that they need this type of help on their healing journey. So, have you ever felt like no matter how hard you try, you’re stuck…

370: Why The Leaky Gut Diet Doesn’t Work (And Other Ways Functional Medicine FAILS Eczema, Psoriasis + Other Skin Problems)

If you’ve ever googled “leaky gut” or “leaky gut diet” because you’ve seen wellness experts claim that leaky gut is why your skin is a mess… This episode is for you. To be fair, there’s a pretty big…

355: Is It Just Bad Genes? (What Are The Causes Of Eczema + Psoriasis On Skin) w/ Dr. Ian Myles

What are the causes of eczema? Can you get eczema genes? Is psoriasis genetic? These are common questions especially since many doctors still blame skin conditions like eczema and psoriasis on…