325: Keratosis Pilaris Treatment, Causes + Remedies w/ Dr. Julie Greenberg, ND

If you've been disappointed by keratosis pilaris treatment options + natural remedies -- you're not alone! Keratosis Pilaris (aka. Chicken skin) is a complex, poorly understood skin problem that can…

310: Integrative Perioral Dermatitis Treatment Options w/ Dr. Julie Greenberg, ND

Today we've not only got a fan favorite back on the show, we are going to talk about a topic that I've only had ONE other guest talk about- perioral dermatitis. I know firsthand from a handful of…

243: Functional Approach to Alopecia Areata w/ Dr. Julie Greenberg

Alopecia has been a hot topic in the media lately, but for others who have been dealing with hair loss for some time, it can be triggering and even devastating. My guest today, Dr. Julie Greenberg,…

225: Topical Steroid Withdrawal (TSW)- Is It Just A Waiting Game? w/ Dr. Julie Greenberg

Have you heard that if you're going through Topical Steroid Withdrawal (TSW), that you just have to wait it out? "Just give it time... time is what heals." But when you say that to someone who's…

220: The Gut Microbiome Of Acne [NEW RESEARCH] w/ Dr. Julie Greenberg

If you are struggling with adult acne, today's episode is for you! This episode is celebrating new published research by Dr. Julie Greenberg on the make-up of the gut microbiome of someone whose…

173: Malassezia: The Bug Behind Many Fungal Skin Problems w/ Dr. Julie Greenberg

Ever heard of malassezia? No? You're not alone! This organism is not very well known, but it is actually a huge contributing factor toward skin conditions like eczema, psoriasis, tinea versicolor,…

149: How Staph Aureus Wrecks Your Skin w/ Dr. Julie Greenberg

Staph may not immediately come to mind when thinking about skin rash flares, but it can actually play a huge role! My guest today will break down how staph aureus can damage your skin. My guest…

350: What Drives Itchy Skin In Kids (And Natural Childhood Eczema Treatment Options To Stop It) w/ Jennifer Brand, MS, MPH, CNS

Childhood eczema treatment options can get confusing fast, especially if you don’t know what’s driving your child’s itchy skin rash in the first place. If your child is scratching constantly, it’s…

347: Adult Hormonal Acne + Blood Sugar Dysfunction: What’s The Connection? w/ Lienna May

Adult hormonal acne can start to affect every facet of your life. It can cause self-esteem issues, stress, and anxiety. Especially if you have tried the usual conventional treatments (like birth…

334: When Liver Detox Problems Become Fatty Liver Disease w/ Dr. Ilana Gurevich

Did you know that non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is the most common type of liver disease? (And it absolutely is tied to skin issues too!) Fatty liver disease, also now referred to as…